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How do I implement my ideas for an interactive CD ROM-inspired business website? Help!
Hello 'nerds'!
I have been recently inspired to create a website for my music project (a place where you can look at news, concerts, buy things etc.), but it is not a simple layout and there are many elements of it that I don...
What WordPress Plugins are Needed for Classifieds Website Development?
I am Searching for wordPress plugins for my new Classifieds Websites, suggest me the best things
I can't click buttons in firefox when I edit the body of a page while it's possible in chrome any way to fix this?
when I use firefox developer tools to edit the body of a webpage the page buttons either disappear or stops functioning like in this example. this does not happen in chrome and all the buttons work fine as they suppose to how can I do that i...
Will Button CTA Logic on Specific Condition Doable in WP?
Hi FindNerders,
I suspect this is possible in WP, but would love to have someone confirm it's doable.
I have 2 fields and 1 button:
1. Zipcode
2. Service Type (e.g. cleaning, office cleaning)
3. Get a quote