Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
sqlite3.OperationalError: near group: syntax error in sqlite3
I use sqlite3 library for using database in python. When I want to make a table, I get this error:
sqlite3.OperationalError: near "group": syntax error
My function that does this:
def connect():
conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath)
Problems in writing sql queries anyone who can write following queries?
1. List all the directors who directed a film in a leap year by using SELECT statement
2. Find the film(s) with the largest cast using SELECT statement
3. Find all actors who acted only in films before 1960 using SELECT state...
Questions and Answers App Not Working in Ruby on Rails
I have created a ruby question answer app but on answering the correct answer the question is getting repeated i.e next question is not appearing.
How to add Image and text in Sqlite and Display it in recyclerView with kotlin
I want to take image and text from user and add in Sqlite and display it in recyclerView with kotin
Let me show what I have done so far
<?xml version="1.0" encoding=...
Navigation Drawer to Open Different Tables of a SQLite Database in Android App
Basically I am creating an app that requires a navigation drawer to open different tables of an SQLite table.
How to insert this codes data to SQLite?
Need help in inserting the below code packet to SQLite:
public class StepDetector {
private static final int ACCEL_RING_SIZE = 50;
private static final int VEL_RING_SIZE = 10;
// change this threshold according to your sen...
Overwrite Existing SQLite DB with new
Hi friends
Please help me, how can we overwrite or replace existing SQLite DB in android automatically, I tried with change dbversion but still not getting new DB. how can overcome this. please help me.
How to write PHP code to select specific column and display rows respectfully??
I have wrote code for sqlite to select specific columns and display rows ..
id condition lat long
1 Good 0.0 0.0
2 Poor 0.0 0.0
3 Good 0.0 0.0
When I select Good, It should display my lat & l...