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  • Add camera node in sceneKit

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      Adding Camera node  provide us the point of view from which we view our scene. To add camera node we have to simply make the SCNCamera object and assign it to node’s camera property.


      let scene = SCNScene ()   // set up a scene
            // Add the geometry object , it will make a visible content on scene. Here we are using SCNBox type
            let boxShape = SCNBox.init(width: 1, height: 1, length: 1, chamferRadius: 0)
             boxShape.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents = UIColor.redColor()  // this will add color to the geometry object
            let boxNode = SCNNode (geometry: boxShape)
            scene.rootNode.addChildNode(boxNode) // add boxNode as the child node to the scene's root node

           Add camera node to your Scene

     let camera = SCNCamera ()
            let cameraNode = SCNNode ()
   = camera
            cameraNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 10) // set your camera position
            sceneView.scene = scene //add scene to your SCNView 
            sceneView.allowsCameraControl = true // this will change the point of view by a simple touch.


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