Traffic is the lifeblood of any online businesses. No matter you are blogger, marketer, or entrepreneur, you need traffic to your blog or website.

An online business website is nothing if it is not driving sufficient amount of online visitors towards your business. So, it is always recommended to better optimize your website well as per the SEO guidelines and perform required tasks to make your business website popular among your targeted audience. Once your website become popular among your audience, you will definitely started getting sufficient among of incoming traffic towards your business.
Below are 6 free ways to generate traffic to your business website:
1. Social Network Sharing
Social network is a great to get free traffic, so share your post to all your followers and other social media users. For instances:
- Share your post on Facebook
- Share your article on Twitter
- Share your post to LinkedIn
- Share on Google+
- Share your post on Instagram
- Post your content to Reddit
- Share your content on Tumblr
- Post to your Pinterest Board
- Submit to Delicious
- Suggest your content on ScoopIt
- Submit your post to Digg
2. Social Groups and Communities Engagement
Aside from your personal social networks, there are also many social groups and communities to share your content out for more traffic to your blog. The key to getting more from social groups is engagement, so don’t simply spam your link without engages with other group members. Make sure you read the group’s rules before posting your link and join as many relevant groups, and then share your post.
Here’s the list to focus:
- Post to Facebook Groups
- Make use of Facebook Messenger (share to your FB friends)
- Post to Twitter Chats
- Post to relevant LinkedIn
- Share your post with Google+ communities
- Join Google Groups to share your content
- Contribute to Pinterest Group Boards
- Post to Yahoo Groups
3. Help the Communities
The more people you help, the more traffic you can get. If you have some skills and knowledge in your field, don’t just keep it to yourself, use it to help the communities in solving their problem. You can refer them to your article if relevant – which increase your blog traffic at the same time.
Here’re the platforms you can give your contributions:
- Answer relevant questions on Quora
- Answer questions on Yahoo! Answers
- Post in Niche forum
- Post tutorial on “How-to” Site (eg: eHow, WikiHow)
4. More Places to Submit your Content
If you want more traffic to your blog for free, you need to increase your blog exposure. So, show your blog to the world!
Here’re more places to submit your content:
- Use StumbleUpon to increase exposure
- Submit to Buzzfeed
- Submit your website to Alltop
- Submit your post to Flipboard
- Submit to HackerNews
- Submit your website to directories
- Submit your content to community sites (eg: Inbound, GrowthHackers)
- Join blogging communities (eg: Triber)
5. Do Guest Blogging and Syndication
Another great way is to contribute to other blogs or websites to get referral traffic to your blog. Such as:
- Guest post on relevant blogs
- Syndicate your content to popular sites
- Syndicate your content for Medium
- Syndicate your content to SlideShare
6. Get Some PR Exposure
Want to be featured in large publications, online magazine, and news? Such as Forbes, Washington Post, TIME, and The New York Times.
Then do these:
- Pitch your story to publications
- Pitch your story to journalists directly
- Use HARO for media opportunities
- Look for media syndication opportunities (eg: Business Insider, Lifehacker)
If you need more traffic ideas, check out this guide 300 ways to increase your blog traffic. Start generate more traffic today NOW!
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