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  • Abstraction and Interface

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    • Abstract defines "what something is".
    • An abstract is a class which cannot be instantiated.
    • It is declared by abstract keyword.
    • A class can inherit/implement only one abstract or other class.
    • An abstract class can have Fields, Constrants, abstract Properties, non-abstract Properties, Constructor and abstract methods (with body) and non-abstract methods(without body).
    • Default Implementation - The default implementation of an abstract class consists of complete methods, default code and/or methods which need to be overridden.
    • Access Modifiers - An abstract class can  have access modifiers for the subs, functions, properties.
    • Where To Use - When common  behaviour/status  is required in several implementations then abstract class is better to use.
    • Adding Functionality - Adding new methods to an abstract class, we have the option of providing default implementation so that all the existing code might work properly.
    • Abstract Keyword Implementation - For every abstract properties and abstract methods, it has to be override in a class which inherit from abstract class

    Example of an abstract class:

        /// <summary>
        /// Employee description.
        /// </summary>
        public abstract class Employee
            //Abstract class can have fields and properties.
            #region Fields
            protected String id;
            protected String firstName;
            protected String lastName;
            #region Properties
            public abstract String ID
            public abstract String FirstName
            public abstract String LastName
            //completed methods
            #region Completed Methods
            //completed methods
            public String Add()
                return "Employee " + id + " " + firstName + " " + lastName + " added";
            //completed methods
            public String Delete()
                return "Employee " + id + " " + firstName + " " + lastName + " deleted";
            //abstract method that is different therefore i keep it uncompleted.
            public abstract String CalculateWage();



    • An interface defines "How it behave" ("what something can do").
    • An interface is not a class. It is an entity.
    • It is declared by interface keyword.
    • A class can inherit/implement multiple/several interfaces.
    • An interface CANNOT have Fields, Constrants and Constructors, it can have only signature/declaration of Properties and Methods (definition of the methods without the body).
    • Default Implementation - An interface cannot provide any code, just the signature.
    • Access Modifiers - Everything is public in an Interface. An interface cannot have access modifiers for the subs, functions, properties.
    • Where To Use - When some methods signature are required to expose in the implementation then it is better to use Interfaces.
    • Adding Functionality - Adding new method to an Interface, we have to define in all implementations of an interface for the new method.
    • Interface Implementation - For every properties and methods, it has to be implemented in a class which inherit from an interface.

    Example of an interface:

        /// <summary>
        /// IEmployee description 
        /// </summary>
        public interface IEmployee
            //cannot have fields. So uncommenting will raise error!
            //protected String id;
            //protected String firstName;
            //protected String lastName;
            //just signature of the properties and methods. 
            //setting a rule or contract to be followed by implementations.
            String ID
            String FirstName
            String LastName
            // cannot have implementation
            // cannot have modifiers public etc all are assumed public 
            // cannot have virtual
            String Add();
            String Delete();
            String CalculateWage();


    Inherited Objects

        /// <summary>
        /// A class which inherits an abstract class
        /// </summary>
        public class Emp_InheritAbstract : Employee
            //uses all the properties of the abstract class therefore no properties or fields here!
            public Emp_InheritAbstract()
            public override String ID
                get { return id; }
                set { id = value; }
            public override String FirstName
                get { return firstName; }
                set { firstName = value; }
            public override String LastName
                get { return lastName; }
                set { lastName = value; }
            //common methods that are implemented in the abstract class
            public new String Add()
                return base.Add();
            //common methods that are implemented in the abstract class
            public new String Delete()
                return base.Delete();
            //abstract method that is different therefore I override it here.
            public override String CalculateWage()
                return "Employee " + base.firstName + " is calculated " + "using the Abstract class...";


        /// A class which inherits and implements an interface
        public class Emp_InheritInterface : IEmployee
            //All the properties and fields are defined here!
            protected String id;
            protected String lname;
            protected String fname;
            public Emp_InheritInterface()
                // TODO: Add constructor logic here
            public String ID
                get { return id; }
                set { id = value; }
            public String FirstName
                get { return fname; }
                set { fname = value; }
            public String LastName
                get { return lname; }
                set { lname = value; }
            //All the manipulations including Add, Delete, Calculate are done
            //within the object as there are not implementation in the Interface entity.
            public String Add()
                return "Employee " + fname + " added.";
            public String Delete()
                return "Employee " + fname + " deleted.";
            //if you change to Calculatewage(). Just small 'w' it will raise error as in interface
            //it is CalculateWage() with capital 'W'.
            public String CalculateWage()
                return "Employee " + fname + " caluculated using " + "Interface.";


    Code for Testing

        //Code for Testing
        public class AbstractsANDInterfaces
            //This is the sub that tests both implementations using Interface and Abstract
            public string TestAbstractExample()
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                Employee emp = new Emp_InheritAbstract();
                emp.ID = "A01";
                emp.FirstName = "Chetan";
                emp.LastName = "Sharda";
                //call add method the object
                //call the CalculateWage method
                return sb.ToString();
            public string TestInterfaceExample()
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    IEmployee emp;
                    Emp_InheritInterface empFromInterface = new Emp_InheritInterface();
                    emp = empFromInterface;
                    emp.ID = "I02";
                    emp.FirstName = "Chetan";
                    emp.LastName = "Sharda";
                    //call add method the object
                    //call the CalculateWage method
                catch (Exception ex)
                return sb.ToString();



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