Preferred language using C++//
Basically the expression below has been converted into a C++ postfix expression. Now i need to reckon the result.
I used deque somehow, instead of stack, because i tried using stack and it didn't seem to work. but there's bug.
8 9 + 1 7 - *
Here's my code:
#include <fstreaM>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
using namespace std;
int main(){
ifstream inf("input.txt");
ofstream outf("output.txt");
string line; inf >> line;
deque <int> stack;
for(int i = 0; i < line.length(); i+=2){
// char ch =;
if( == '*'){
stack.push_back(stack.pop_back() * stack.pop_back());
}else if( == '+'){
stack.push_back(stack.pop_back() + stack.pop_back());
}else if( == '-'){
stack.push_back(-stack.pop_back() + stack.pop_back());
}else stack.push_back( '0');
outf << stack.pop_back() << endl;
return 0;
With the code above can i alter with a small tweak and have it change into a Prefix Notation.
I still prefer using the std::deque STL Library from C++.
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