Hello Guys
Liferay allow to create custom portlet to write own business logic or controller code. Portlet is a small application of the liferay.
When we need to define rules on the custom portlet, So we need to add custom portlet in liferay control panel section.
Follow below steps to add custom portlet in liferay control panel section :
Step 1: In your custom portlet's liferay-portlet.xml file include two tags in your tag as shown:
These are the two entries which are required for the portlet
to appear in the control panel
Set the control-panel-entry-category value to "my", "content",
"portal" or "server" to make this portlet available in the
Control Panel under that category.
Set the control-panel-entry-weight value to a double number
to control the position of the entry within its Control Panel
category. Higher values mean that the entry will appear lower
in the Control Panel menu.
Step 2: liferay-display.xml should be as shown below:
<category name="category.hidden">
Adding your portlet to the hidden category would not display
the portlet in the ADD Menu on the top-left-hand corner
<portlet id="MyCustomPortlet"></portlet>
Step 3: Now, Build and deploy your portlet.
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