Hello Friends,
If you are looking to create a new module in Symfony2 and want to integrate this with new bundle. Please follow the below steps:
1) Create your bundle folder under your_project_name/src/App/your_bundle_name
like my bundle name is "CamTaxsettingBundle" so the bundle path will be ::
2) Now open your routing.yml file with following path
and add your bundle entry like below:
resource: "@AppCamTaxsettingBundle/Resources/config/routing.admin.yml"
3) Now open naked-admin/app/AppKernal.php file and add the entry as below:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(new App\CamTaxsettingBundle\AppCamTaxsettingBundle());
* if registerBundles() already exist then just add the entry under $bundles array()
Now define you functionality in your bundle...
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