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  • Top 5 Features Making Xamarin.Forms the Future of Mobile Development Industry

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    Before Xamarin.Forms, building a cross-platform real native User Interface with a single shared codebase was just a dream. Xamarin.Forms make this a reality for the developers by allowing them to offer a native UI for three different platforms with one common C# codebase. It comes with tons of state-of-the-art features and with some significant improvements in its stability and performance. We are listing some of the essential features or reasons that will make Xamarin.Forms the future for mobile app development:


    1) Learning Curve

    If your development team is familiar with C# and .NET stack of technology, then Xamarin.Forms are almost a no-brainer. The developers need to learn a native code for both development and deployment techniques with syntactical sugar but don’t have to learn it right from scratch.
    However, if you don’t have resources for .NET stack, the learning curve will be more significant, but not as large as learning the native iOS, Android or Windows development languages. With Xamarin.Forms, you remain as close to them as possible.


    2) Uniqueness of Platform

    A lot of mobile websites tend to look the same in all the browsers. However, people buy and use devices with the user experience offered by the specific gadget type. It might range from navigation, application support to the physical hardware resource.


    Xamarin.Forms offer this user experience by embracing each platform’s uniqueness through the native controls, which are specific to any platform. 


    3) Faster Time to Market

    Creating a shared business logic set minimizes the time to market is a known fact.  Gone are the days when one need to implement the business logic in various languages, coordinate the functionality across a list of projects with varying schedules for deployment. Xamarin.Forms allow the developers to write a single set of code to compile across various platforms and enable them to make the applications available to the users faster.


    4) Fewer Bugs

    It is evident that as we have only one set of business logic, the testing, bug fixing, and deployment will be much easier and faster. The less code one writes, the lesser is the number of bugs the app can have.


    Another reason for fewer bugs is the acute testing and debugging support in the Xamarin Studio as well as in the Visual Studio that saves a lot of testing time and efforts. Xamarin.Forms enable the developers to spend less time writing the tests while maintaining the coverage of one code base.


    5) Future Proof

    The investment a business makes in developing a mobile application is significant and with technologies constantly changing, having a single code base confines a lot of business logic that is not dependent on any specific platform. It provides a future scope, if platforms change or a new platform gets introduced, Xamarin.Forms can respond quickly and extend support for the same. 


    Conclusion – In the recent times, there has been a significant change in the popularity of mobile devices, the usage, and users’ preference to have a mobile application over a website. Developers are considering the tools available for mobile application development using Xamarin including Xamarin.Forms to get the solutions developed and making them market ready quickly.

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