Types, Tools and Advantages of Back-end Testing or Database Testing:-
Types of Back-end Testing or Database Testing:- There are several types of back-end testing or data base testing. Back-end testing contains the following testings:-
- Functional Testing
- Non Functional Testing
- Structural Testing
Tools for the Back-end testing or Database testing:- There are also few tools used for the back-end testing or data base testing. These tools are very helpful and useful when we want to do back-end testing or database testing. Few beneficial tools used for the back-end testing contains the following:-
- Test Data Generator
- Data Generator
- Data Factory
- TurboData
Advantages of Back-end Testing or Database Testing:- Few advantages are mentioned here:-
- Back-end testing is not a kind of black box testing:- In the back-end testing we performed mainly database testing on the other hand in black box testing we test the functionality of the software or application without any code review.
- Complete prevention of test coverage.
- Several issues or bugs can be efficiently discovered in the initial development position.
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