Hello Readers !!
Today we are going to discuss about the Unity Services. What all services unity provides and how we can use them in our game or apps.
Below is the main services which unity provides.

Lets discuss all of these one by one.
- Ads:- Unity provides its own ads. There are more than 3 Millions customers. Unity works on that to give you better eCPM. If you are using Unity's ads then at particular range unity will remind you for the royalty.
- Analytics:- We can add unity analytics in the game. This allow us to take care of each activity of the user. We can check the loop holes in the game. We can check from where we are getting more users. Why user is uninstalling your app and so on.
- Cloud Build:- Cloud build is also a good feature which unity provides. We can create our build on the clouds so that we can share with all easily. Its fastest way to share the build with anyone without any issue. Unity runs the code at the cloud and allows the users to connect with that for better performance.
- Collaborate:- We can collaborate section too in the game. This allow us to share, use and modify shared code without any issue. Unity automatically handle its internal functions.
- Performance Reporting:- Performance is always a major concern for any developer. We can't test on almost all the devices. So to overcome this problem, Unity introduces this feature. By this you can check the performance of your app on the devices even when you don't have them.
- In-App Purchasing :- We all use this feature most of the time. But by using third party plugins. Now unity is providing IAP service. With which you can purchase any items from iTunes or Google Play. Amazon is also very big challenge for developer. So now Unity is giving options to do IAP fro Amazon also.
- Multiplayer:- Unity allow us to create Multiplayer game also. You will able to share score, scene and other components.
How we can use these functionality in the game. What will be the code and steps to do this. That I will explain in my coming blogs/ For that stay connected.
Use these and make your game more attractive.
Till then keep coding..
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