Usability testing is a Black box testing technique and is reveals whether users feel convenient to use the application or Web site according to different parameters:
The Flow
Scenarios for Usability Testing:
All the content should be correct
without any spelling mistake or
grammatical errors.
All font should be same as per the
given requirements and all the text
should be aligned properly.
All the validation messages should
be accurate without any spelling
mistake or grammatical errors and
the validation message should same
with the field.
Tool tip must be given for every
Space should be given in a proper
way between rows, columns, text
field, label field and the
validation message.
All fields must be aligned
properly and button must be given
in standard format and size.
Pointer should be getting displayed
when user mouse over the link.
The color of disabled and enabled
filed should not be same, Disabled
filed should be grayed.
Confirmation message must be given
for every save, update and delete
Check the website on different
Tab should be working properly.
Scroll bar must be on required
page or filed.
Text box, drop down button, radio
button and buttons should be
accessible by keyboard shortcuts and
Advantages of usability testing:
Usability test is used to
cover different types of testings
such as functional testing, system
integration testing, unit testing,
smoke testing etc.
Usability testing can be very
efficient if prepared properly, as
yet highly effective and profitable.
If appropriate resources
(professional and innovative
testers) are used, usability testing
can be help full in fixing all the
issues that are user may face even
before the system is permanently
handover to the user. This may
result in better performance and a
standard system.
Usability testing can be help
full in determining potential bugs
and crater in the system which are
not easily detectable by the
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