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Apk signed with same certificate as the previous version
To make a android apk in flash builder is having very simple steps.
Export release build
Choose certificate
and build the project and you got your apk. Here the certificate are very easy to create, choose create and fill the details and ...
Flash Builder Crash
When you trying to open your flash builder ,sometime it shows that window appears and then disappear, and your flash builder doesn't start. So, here is the solution for this.
You just have to delete the .lock file in worksapce.
How to export a good quality Animated GIF file !!!
Hello All !!!
I have got so many queries regarding GIF animation file.
question is "How to create a Good quality Animated GIF file ?"
Here is the answer ...
I have a flying girl animation in flash.
Flash do pr...
Device Debug for android and ios in flash
Device Debug is very simple ,You can check the app on you phone which the traces will be shown on your system simulator
for androif you just simply download the device driver for your device, after this got to project debug configuration setting...
Error 1119 cachedownloader error in flash
When we load our old project into new workspace then sometime the cache directory error generate.
The error shows (error 1119: Access of possibly undefined property cacheDirectory through a reference with static type Class).
Send Email functionality for android application in flash AS3
We can add the funtionality of sending email to our android app in Flash by just importing chunkmail ANE file. WE just have to import and hit the sendEmail() method.
import com.turbidwater.chunkemail.ChunkEMail;
import mx.events.FlexEvent...
whenever we started to make a game first thing we need is Main menu, its our first screen and we have to make it user friendly, so that user find very easy how to play the game. when we have more than one stage in our game we need a menu so that...
Away 3d - How to import md5mesh and anim into away builder ?
How to import md5mesh and anim into away builder ?
Step 1 - File/ Import/ TF_CH_Mesh.md5mesh (3d md5mesh format)
Step 2 - file/ Import/ TF_CH_NetGun_Animation.md5anim (animation)
Step 3 - in Animation tab drag null(skeleton Clip Node...
Inverse Mask
Sometime we need to use an inverse mask in flash ( like a normal mask but it was just inverse )
Here's an example of an inverse mask, We can achieve that using Blendmodes.
We will use ERASE blendmode to get a nice inverse mask effect. But th...
The Art Of Animation
What is Animation?
Animation is a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frames. It is the process of creating a continuous motion and shape change illusion. The word animation is derived from animate, which mean...
Making a Blurred Mask
Making Blurred mask in Flash
Masking in Flash is very easy..But when we talk about Blurred mask..Not an easy task..
So to make that easy i am posting this blog..
Lets start with "How to Mask an object", there are following steps..
1.Open ...