Hello All !!!
I have got so many queries regarding GIF animation file.
question is "How to create a Good quality Animated GIF file ?"
Here is the answer ...
I have a flying girl animation in flash.

Flash do provides an option to export as GIF file format. But it cannot able to hold the quality.
so here is the trick !!
Follow the steps below :-
1. go to File menu, click on export option and select Export Movie.
Image 2

2. Save the Mov file where ever you want.
Image 3

3. now open photoshop software.
4. Goto File and select open
Image 4

5. Select the Video file format, as shown in above image and open the mov file.
6. Now press "cntrl+Alt+Shft S" and use the following setting to save as GIF file as shown in image.
Image 5

Thats it !!
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