Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
CakePHP small application and understanding MVC Architecture
Hello Readers, Here is a small application in CakePHP to add users through which we can Understand "How MVC Architecture works" ? For better understanding of MVC Architecture, I will manually create Model, Controller and Views.
How to show password strength meter using PHP
Hello Reader's when you are developing the user interactive websites then you have to show user much more activities which a website is doing. Showing the password strength will make user to use the site much easier. So if you are looking how...
Datepicker in cake php
Datepicker in cake php used for displaying its content in date formats. The widget used in jquery for making it stylish and feel easy to user for displaying the date, minth and years. This will expalins as follow, User can use this line of code b...
Association Types in cakePHP
Hello Readers Four associations types used in cakePHP is explained here in a short and simple way. Hope this will be helpful to all.
If table movie has a field that refrences table director, then table movie "belongTo&quo...
AuthComponent and hashing password in cakePHP
Identifying and authentication of a user is very common and useful part of every web appilication, In CakePHP AuthComponent provides a way to secure user's password in encrypt manner and allow user to authenticate objects as well. It is a pro...
Association in cake php
Association means relationship, It is a way that two table are connected to each other or linking model together, in cakephp the links between models are handled through association. User can understand it from the following table.
How to send email in cakePHP?
CakePHP comes with an default email library that already supports SMTP mail protocol. In this article we will come to know that how we can send an email in HTML or text both.
We have to define the layout of text and HTML emails In app/vi...
cakePHP Flash component
cakePHP have by default FlashComponent which provides notification messages to be displayed in the website or application after processing a form .
FlashComponent in cakePHP writes flash messages to be rendered in a ctp file in vie...
How to convert HTML template into CakePHP
In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert html template into CakePHP template. Website application build on CakePHP without any custom theme uses default layout of CakePHP. The look & feel of default template is not so good. Some times y...
PHP: How to convert text to MP3 using Google API ?
I am posting this blog, which will tell you how to convert text to voice conversion using Google API.
I am using Google TTS (Text to Speech) to convert text to mp3 file. Now lets start implementing it
Create file index.php
Php: How to convert currency using Google Finance ?
In this blog I am going to tell you how to convert currency using Google Finance. Example: you want to convert Indian Rupee to American Dollar i.e. INR to USD then you can convert it using following url: http://www.google.com/finance/converter?a=...
Cake 2.0 vs Cake 3.0 - Declare Model & Controller Class
CakePHP 2.x supports PHP Version 5.2.8 and above while CakePHP 3.x supports PHP Version 5.4.16 & above. There are some changes from CakePHP 2.x to 3.0 like syntax declaration , array declaration & model defination etc.
The config key www...
CakePHP Image Upload Using Component
Hello Readers, In this blog tutorial we will explain how to upload Image in CakePHP using component.
Create a file called UploadComponent.php (path:app/controller/component) & paste the following code.
class Upl...
To add image in the cakePHP
We can add the new image in cakePHP just like we did html.
but we have different tag for it.
We need html helper that is already provided by the cakePHP but have to be included first.
For adding an image
echo $this->html->imag...
Validation in CakePHP
Validation in cakePHP is on the client side and on the server side.
Client side validation is on the js file that is in the webroot folder.
Server side validation is on the model which we are using.
Client side validation is important as...
Speed up the loading time of cakePHP website
Loading time of the website plays very important role in internet world.Slow loading time of website will cause uninterrupted services and the good loading speed website serves as an indicator of how well things are doing, it will help you to gai...
AJAX request
To send the request on server open() and send() can be used in ajax.
These are the method of XMLHttpRequest object.
xhttp.open("GET", "ajax_info.txt", true);
open- specifies the type of request
open(method, url, async...
New Feature in Php 7
One of the New Feature of PHP 7 is Null coalescing operator :
Generally we use to check variable value existence and if it does not exist then we use a default value for that. Normally for these type of small checks we use Ternar...
How to Create Magento Custom Admin Module
In this blog tutorial, i am going to explain how to create magento custom admin module in backend admin panel.
Lets start by creating the following folders:
How to pass variables through the URL when using pagination?
First of all we should understand the pagination concept , so for this check the cakephp.org .
If we want to pass the custom variables in pagination so first of all pass the variables to the view . Lets suppose we want to pass $pass .
In th...
Display Breadcrumb without Plugin in WordPress
Breadcrumbs are navigation links that are used by all the sites by which user can understand the hierarchy of the pages. Breadcrumbs are used to display all the pages links leading from the homepage.
In WordPress, breadcrumbs plays an i...
Scalar Type in PHP7
In PHP files we have weak type-checked content (Weak type-checked means no way to check the variable is of what type). Now, in PHP7 we can check what type variable we are using in our code by using SCALAR TYPE.
Declare scalar type in the start...
Remember me in CakePHP
Remember me is the functionality that people usually see in the sign in page of the website.
What it does it keep your session continue by saving the cookies.
We can save cookies and add the remember me functionality to sign in.
We have ...
magento/product-community-edition 2.0.2 requires ext-xsl * -> the requested PHP extension xsl is missing from your sy...
Hello Friends,
If you are installing Magento with composer, you might face the issue "Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages" with the error "magento/product-community-edition 2.0.2 requires ex...
Login CakePHP
We can create a login function for logging in using cakePHP.
The login functionality can be added using the Auth component available in the cakePHP.
You do not need to create the session or check for encrypted password in the database as Au...
PHP: How to cache images in browser using php?
When there are multiple images loaded on the page, this may cause page to load slower. In order to increase the speed of the page we need to cache the images via .htaccess or php code. Now I am writing down the php code that will store images in ...
CURL: How to download file from ftp using curl?
This blog will let you download files from ftp using curl. Ftp url is given below. From this url we need to download this file filename.gz
Following is the working example:
$curl = curl_init();
cakePHP model side validation
Data validation plays an important part in any of the application. It is very important to make ensure that user has input valid Fields or not. For example, passwords are at least eight characters long or more, User Names ,emails are unique...
bash: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini: Permission denied
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to update php.ini file in your server and getting permission issue with this like I was getting the issue "bash: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini: Permission denied......" to resolve this problem, I have do...
Associative array in PHP
The element of an Array in PHP by default are accessed by the index number i.e. the position in which the element or value is stored in the array.
For example :
$temperature = array(10, 20, 30, 25);
echo "Delhi temperature : ...
Inheritance in PHP
Inheritance is a principle of OOP'S(Object Oriented Programming Language) in which a user can inherit all the properties of above class. The class who inherit the another class know as Child Class and the class which is being inherited ...
Adding method using CakePHP
There are different type of methods that we can use in cakePHP to add functionality.
1. constructClasses()- This method load the model required by the controller. This can be used while in the command line prompt.
2.referrer(mixed $default ...
How to Use Price Slider using PHP and jQuery
Hello Reader's! Today in my blog I am going to explain about Price Slider. While shopping every time you see a price slider for filtering data from database. Price Slider is very common in modern website and mainly use of this of an eCommerce...
To upload images in CakePHP
We can add the functionality of browsing images and let the user upload images of its choice to his account.
For this functionality we first have to give a browse button in the registration page and then the functionality to it of adding the i...
Simple Forgot Password In CakePHP
Simple Forgot Password System In CakePHP Via Email
Hello Readers,
This blog tutorial will explain how to create a simple Forgot Password system in CakePHP where a users will type email in input box & retrieve new password in their regis...
How to disable email address link in html email ?
I am writing this blog, because there was a case when I have to send email without the link. For example: If in email I send some data:
<p>Your Email id is: amuk.saxena@evontech.com.</p>
Now when the email is sent to gmail, then...
Wordpres pagination in Home Page or Front Page?
Hello readers, today we discuss wordpress pagination in Home Page or Front Page.
WordPress has the ability to split lists of articles, content, discussions or a single content into multiple pages "paged" navigation.
WordPress offe...
CakePHP Associations / Relationship Types Examples
There are 4 Relationship / Associations types in CakePHP:
Relationship Association Type &nb...
How to convert PDF to JPG Using ImageMagick in PHP
Hello Reader's! Today in my blog I am going to explain how you can convert PDF to JPG image using ImageMagick in PHP. ImageMagick is a open-source software for displaying, converting, and editing image files in PHP.
First you need to...
CakePHP find condition examples
This blog tutorial will explain CakePHP find condition & query examples. let's take a look at some CakePHP find conditions. First, a very simple CakePHP find query that retrieves all records from the User model. Example: $this->User-&g...
To send email using cake email
To send the email using the CakeEmail we first need to configure the smtp configuration that is in the Config/email.php.
public $smtp = array(
'transport' => 'Smtp',
'from' => array('youremailaddress@abcd.com' => 'My Site'),
CakePHP find and save/add operation
Here is small example which will give you a basic idea about CakePHP find & save operation.
class PagesController extends AppController {
public $name = 'Pages';
public $uses = array('User');
public function sh...
Forgot Password And Reset Password In CakePHP
Forgot password functionality we usually on the login page of many website.
It is used when we we forgot our password and want to recover it.
In this blog we are going to recover it by sending an email to the registered email with user acco...
CakePHP Multiple File Upload
Hello readers, if you are looking for a code to upload multiple file in CakePHP where user can upload more than one image through input browse box, then your are in a right place i.e findnerd.com.
Here is a quick tutorial which will explain ho...
How to make reset password function in cakePHP
In this tutorial we can learn that how to make reset password functionality in CakePHP . Most of the times users forget their password for their login credentials, so reset password functionality gives them the authority to change their us...
CakePHP Naming Conventions
Hello Readers, this blog tutorial will explain how to use naming convention in CakePHP.
CakePHP have its own naming convention standards to be used during PHP application development.
If you want to create application using CakePHP, first you w...
PHP 5 For Loops
There are two kind of for loops in PHP, one is for() loop & other is foreach().
The for() loop has three sections: init, termination & increment.
for (initialization; Condition Check ;increment) {
code to be executed...
Cakephp 2.7: How to paginate using ajax in cakephp?
Cakephp Ajax Pagination:
This blog will help you to paginate page using ajax. First of all create Users table and add some data in it, now create its model, view and controller by following command:
$ cd /var/www/html/cakephp/app
$ /var/...
Cakephp: How to cake bake all in Ubuntu 14.04?
Cakephp's bake console is the fastest way to create models, view and controller. In order to create it first you need to create the table. In this case I am creating Users table:
id INT UN...
How to resolve URL rewriting issue in cakephp?
Cakephp: URL rewriting is not properly configured on your server error. How to resolve it on Ubuntu 14.04?
I am posting this blog which will help you to resolve the issue (URL rewriting is not properly configured on your server) while installi...