Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
File Handling in PHP - Tutorial 8
This blog explains about various functions used for File Handling in PHP.
Date and Time in PHP - Tutorial 7
This blog explains different functions used for date and time manipulation in PHP.
How to use Memcached with PHP
Hello Readers,
In this post I want to explain the Memcached with PHP.
Memcahced is open source distributed memory object caching system it helps you to speeding up the dynamic web applications by reducing database server load.
The Memcach...
Debugging techniques for PHP programmers
Error messages area unit your 1st line of defense as a developer. you do not need to be developing code in PHP on a server that's not organized to show error messages.
However, confine mind that once your code is debugged and prepared to travel ...
eliminate php5 Strict standards errors
Hello readers!
If you have recently upgraded you PHP from PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.4 . Then it might be possible that your script is displaying a lot of error messages. If you want to hide these error you just need to change in your cakephp setup
How to Create photo gallery in wordpress
Wordpress.. WordPress is most powerful CMS for blogging. If you have experience in blogging then you should know that images and videos are most important in blogs.
With the help of image gallery or video, we can make the blog more interesting f...
make site Multilingual in wordpress
You want to build Multilingual website in wordpress but wordpress does not support that functionality. Don't worry...
Wordpress provides different plugins to convert your website in Multilingual. Basically you can make your website Multilingua...
Laravel 4.x Pagination
It is very painful to use pagination in other framework but In laravel 4.x. It is very easy to implement pagination in laravel 4.x. By using configuration option in
file. Pagination option specifies that which view fi...
Laravel 4.x Mail Services
In laravel 4.x we can easily integrate the mail functionality. Laravel provide a simple API over popular SwiftMailer. We can simply configure our mail credential by using
which allow you to change your SMPT host, por...
Integrating Twitter with Magento
Social media... Now a days social media is a part of life or requirement of time. We are here to discuss integration of twitter with magento. We all have twitter account. Am I right?. We can integrate twitter to magento with different ways. Like ...
Creating Non Default Themes in Magento
Welcome to this blog.
Today we are going to discuss non-default themes in magento. We all knows magento is a powerful eCommerce platform where you can easily build your stores. If you want to work on magento then you need to understand it's fil...
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode?
We are going to process ajax request in wordpress shortcode on button click. First of all you need to add the shortcode in wordpress. Kindly write below code in function.php
function callback_listing($atts, $content = null)
OAuth 2.0 Authentication on Wordpress site
We are here to discuss OAuth 2.0 Authentication in wordpress. Do you know about OAuth?. What is OAuth?. OAuth is nothing but a open protocol which is useful to allow authorization by easy and secure methods from web/mobile/software applications.
Rename files during upload within Wordpress backend
If you want to rename the file name at the time of upload, it is a right place to know the solution. Let's discuss this requirement.
We all know there are many hooks available in Wordpress. We will use the filter named sanitize_file_name. You ...
Wordpress: How to call a plugin function with an ajax call
In web development field we face different situations in order to fulfil the requirements. Sometimes we have to customize the well managed CMS/frameworks. Today we are going to take an sample example of wordpress plugin development. There is one ...
Page Processing in PHP
PHP has three types of modules which are as following.
A) Core PHP : This modules handles requests, error handling as well as file streams.
B) Zend Engine: It convert the php code into machine tokens or opcode and it will execute it in a vi...
How to Creating a ZIP File using PHP
Hello Readers,
This post helps you to create a ZIP file using PHP.
<form name="zip" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="files[]" value="book.pdf" />
<input type="checkbox" name="files[]" value="doc.pdf" />
How to install node.js in Ubuntu
Please open the terminal and use below commands to install node.js
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
How to get the Select Dropdown Option Value after Click on Button
Hello Readers,
If I want to Select Drop down Option Value after Click on Button
(not submit) then we use the below code:
<select name="option">
<option value="http://findnerd.com">Findnerd</option>
<option value="htt...
How to Convert HTML file into PDF in PHP
Helo Readers,
If you want to convert the HTML to PDF read the below code:
When we do this first of all we require the fpdf library file which can be downloaded from the official site of FPDF.
After download it, Just copy the folder into yo...
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in facebook app. Please user the below code, you can download facebook.js from facebook SDK.
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script src="//co...
How to change Facebook profile picture
If you would like to change your facebook profile picture with php or jquery. You can use below code for the same.
Please download facebook.js from Facebook SDK.
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
How to merge two images in PHP
If you want to overlay one image over another image. You can use the below example.
function mergeImage(){
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg('usaflag.jpg');
$dst = imagecreatefromjpeg('vivek.jpg');
imagecopymerge($dst, $src...
How to make custom error pages in CakePHP 2.0
Hello reader!
If you want to set a custom error webpage for your whole cakePHP project you can set this page at
/views/layouts/default.ctp as layout for these error pages like 404/ page not found
To customize it and set your own message, o...
Get the time duration of a MP3 File
Below I have written a script for get the time duration of a MP3 file-
For this first you need to download the getID3, You can download form http://getid3.sourceforge.net/ OR https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3/ .
After downloadin...
How to use Bootstrap pagination with CakePHP pagination helper
Hello, if you are using pagination with cakephp framework and want to change the view of pagination just like twitter bootsrap then you can do this by doing follow changes in you view and css.
We can do it by writing some custom classes in view ...
Enabling SSL in CakePhp
Hello All,
In this blog we will discuss about how to enable ssl https in your cakephp application on the server.
You can enable SSL on live server by following these steps:-
1.In your core.php add/change the BASE_URL defination to https:...
Find where field is not null in cakephp
Hello Readers!
if you have a database table "users" which has a field "email". And you are looking for a query that fetch out every email field only which are not null in cakephp
Here is the following code below you can use, and its working ...
Form Handling in PHP - Tutorial 6
This session explains HTML forms, methods used by forms to send the data to server.
It explains GET and POST used to send data to server.
It explains Validations and basic security concerns in the forms.
How to validate the date using preg_match function in PHP?
The syntax of the preg_match function is that:
preg_match (string pattern, string string [, array pattern_array],[, int $flags [, int $offset]]]);
In the above function first and second parameter are mandatory and the rest of the parameters...
Cake was unable to write to File cache in cakePhp
Hello All,
In this blog we will discuss about the File cache write problem in CakePhp application.
Everytime when you install new version of the cakePhp or port your code on to the server you come across this error depicting that the cake i...
CakePHP website mobile version
Hello All,
In this blog we will discuss about how to make your website working with proper layout in the mobile devices.
For this we can use CakePHP's RequestHandler's isMobile function to check if a mobile device is accessing the site.
How to get Latitude/longitude from address in PHP
Hello All,
In this blog we will discuss about how to fetch the lat/long from the given address in PHP.
So we will be using curl request for fetching the same via using Google maps api.
Below is the code, you can use to generate lat/long...
Get transaction details in paypal by paypal transaction ID in PHP
Hello guys, Its really helpful for integration paypal in PHP to REST API.
To integrate it, first you have to download the PHP-paypal SDK below is the direct link
// 1. Autoload the SDK Pac...
How to use the HABTM Relationship in cakephp?
HABTM association is used when you have two models that need to be joined up, repeatedly, many times in many different ways.
So below is the following steps to follow to use the above relationship. First we create the database and its tables
How to get location from lat long in php
By using google api we can find the location
public function getAddressByLatLong($loclatitude='',loclongitude='')
$apiurl = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/...
Drupal 7 get information of current logged-in user in external PHP file
Here is a code for loading current logged-in user using Bootstrap full in external PHP file.
function user_load_from_bootstrap($uid = NULL) {
$base_url = 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST...
Laravel 4.x Queue
Laravel Queue is one of the best feather of laravel 4.x. When we want to make our site fast and we have to fetch and store large amount of data then we will run our query on back end. In laravel 4.x by using queue we can run time consuming on bac...
How to add folder in controller using laravel 4.x
Hello Readers,
In my previous blog I have explained about How to implement cron job using laravel 4.x
Now, In this Blog I will guide you How to add folder in controller using laravel 4.x
If we want to add our own folder in controller and...
Find method with JOIN in CakePHP
Hello, if you are working on cakephp and you need the joins with find method here is an example. Here $my_joins is and array having multiple join cases in other different arrays inside it.
'joins' =&g...
How to accessing the Auth Componenet from a view in CakePhp
In CakePHP, you may want to use the Auth component to check if a user is currently logged-in to the system. you cannot access the Auth component from a view. So doing something like this in a view
$user = $this->Auth->user
This will ...
How to Add a prefix to every URL in CakePHP?
Hello Reader!
If you looking to fix a default language prefix for your all url in cakePhp then you can follow the steps which is the easiest and clean way :-
Open file routes.php from the location Config/routes.php
There in first line wri...
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?
Hello Readers
If you want to calculate difference between two dates using PHP , use below code.
comment: Suppose we have the two dates below date1 and date2
$date1 = "2014-06-11";
$date2 = "2015-07-16";
comment:then we get diffrence ...
How to Install DebugKit on CakePHP
Hello Nerds!
If you are going to develop a new project in cakephp then you might need Debugkit for that, and its really a lifesaving tool for rapid developments.
You can install DebugKit using doing the following steps as:-
Step 1:- You ne...
Functions and Arrays in PHP - Tutorial 5
This tutorial explains User Defined functions in PHP.
It also explains Array, there types and how to iterate through arrays.
Constants, Operators, Conditional Statements and Loops in PHP -Tutorial 4
This tutorial explains about the Constants, Operators, Conditional Statements and Loops in PHP.
CakePHP 2.0 with Twitter Bootstrap
Hello nerds,
If you want to start your new CakePHP project with Twitter Bootstrap set with it, you can follow the steps as following:-
Step 1: You need to Download CakePHP and Twitter Bootstrap versions. You can easily download them from ...
How Cake PHP redirect with parameters in url
Hello readers,
If you are using cakephp and want to redirect user to any other page/controller with some passing values in url, Well cakephp provides you its own syntax written in php, check bellow example:
CakePHP check if user is logged in inside a view
Hello Readers, if you are looking for a condition to check whether a user is logged-In or not from view, you can use the following code:-
if ($this->Session->read('Auth.User')){
// you can put your condition here
In ca...
How to export all products in csv
Magento provide the facility to export all product data including attributes , below are the steps involved to export all products deails in csv file -
1) Before exporting the products data make sure that all updated products data have be...