Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
Pagination in cakephp 2.7
Pagination is basically dividing your data into multiple pages.
When we fetch the data in bulk from the data base it comes on a single page but that is sometimes difficult to keep scrolling to the last if we want to go to the last data.
It ...
Create Admin Panel in CakePHP using BrowniePHP plugin
We can make an admin panel easily in cakePHP using a plugin called "BrowniePHP" .It help us to create an admin panel in short time of span.
for using BrowniePHP, you should know how to develop applications in cakePHP.
How t...
Discussion on bindModel and unbindModel function in CakePHP 2.x
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss bindModel and unbindModel function in CakePHP 2.X.
If we are making any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we have to use bindModel and unbindModel at a runtime. So Cak...
How to use Validation in cakephp 3.0?
Hello Reader's ,
Hope your are doing good today.
Today we will learn about Validation in CakePHP 3.0 and how we can use validator in our applications. Data validation is an important part of any of the application. With the help of Vali...
How to use CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in Cakephp 3.0
Hello Reader's ,
Hope your are doing good today.
After working on CURD in cakephp 2.x+ version ,today i am going to update you with Cakephp 3.0 CURD example.
Some directory changes made in cakephp 3.0 you can read here http://book.ca...
How to Create your own Exception handler in cakephp ?
Hello readers, today we will discuss a very important topic of a programming language "exception handling". Exception Handling is the process of catching errors which are generated by our program and then taking appropriate action accor...
SQL Injection
SQL Injection
Security of any Application plays a major role for any developer. Some of the users try to break the security of any application for their fun, for stealing the data .They use different methods to break the security and SQL Injec...
PHP: Create Bar graph and Pie Chart in pdf
Create Bar graph and Pie chart in PDF format using FPDF
Hello friends, I am writing this blog which will help you to create bar graph and pie chart using fpdf. Firstly you need to download fpdf.php file from the following fpdf library. Click h...
Association in Laravel
Association in Laravel
Laravel supports associations. Here associations are basically relationship between tables. There are six types of associations in Laravel:
Type of Association
Attach file in email in Cakephp 2
Attach images/pdf/doc to email using Cakephp 2
Hello friends, I am writing this blog, which will help you to attach files to email using Cakephp 2.x. So lets begin with creating function in UsersController or any other controller and...
Convert HTML to PDF using Cakephp 2
HTML to PDF using TCPDF in Cakephp 2
Hello friends, today I am writing this blog which will let you know how to convert HTML to PDF using Cakephp 2.x. We are going to use TCPF library to achieve this.
Lets begin with downloading TCPDF f...
How to make Image cropper using mouse in php and javascript
Hello Reader's
If you working on Codeingiter and looking for to making the free cropping of image before uploading then this blog is very helpful to you.
The process of cropping the images is start from loading the preview of images via...
How to open images in popup using modal in cakephp?
In cakephp sometimes you need to show the thumbnails of many images and then on click you got to show the image in full using popup.
You can use modal for this.
Modal is a bootstrap html which is opened when you click on that particul...
How to print a text on a image using PHP as watermark
Hello Reader's!
If you are looking to learn how to print the text over a image as a water mark then this blog is very helpful to you. Fixing a watermark on image can be used by PHP. So first we will learn how this process going in action.
Discussion on "Qimage" component to resize image in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss Qimage component to resize image in CakePHP.
If we are developing a web application in CakePHP then, sometimes we have to upload image for user profile . When a user upload im...
How to pass extra parameter in Wordpress pagination?
Hello readers, today I guide you "How to pass extra parameter in Wordpress pagination?".
Recently I am working on a project and I want to pass extra parameter in Wordpress paged pagination. Normally we are are using simple ...
Get category and their post via ajax
Hello readers, today I guide you "How to get category and their post via ajax".
Suppose we have 5 category in Wordpress and we want to display it in tab base and also display their post. In first when our page is loaded, 2 post are s...
How to implement jquery Timeago with php?
Hello Reader's ,
We can see that posting & Online time changes frequently seconds ago, minutes ago and hours ago etc, In Social media. So Today in my blog I am going explain about timeago and its easy implementation with PHP.
Discussion on load models in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on load model in CakePHP.
Basically model is a very important feature in a CakePHP web application because it is manage everything regarding our data, So in other words, we ca...
How to Read Excel file & Insert data into MySQL Database using PHP?
Hello Reader's ,
Today I am going to give you this blog on how to read excel file and insert data into MySQL DB using PHP.Here we are using php-excel-reader.php library to get excel data in MySQL database.
Let's Start.
Create D...
Export Post Data into json file and Import Post into other website.
Hello readers, In this tutorial I will guide you to create Wordpress Plugin for "Get all Category in Dropdown".
For creating Wordpress Plugin, we need to do some basic things for creating a Plugin.
1) Create Wordpress Plugin, just...
Search in MySQL using FULL-TEXT INDEXING in PHP Without LIKE and Wildcard Operator
Hellow Readers ,
Today in my blog I am going to explain about Quick searching in MySQL using FULL-TEXT INDEXING. Many times we made a big mistake during searching from MySQL, we use the wildcard and like operator "LIKE %helpful website%&q...
How to add Custom Metabox in a particular page in Wordpress?
Hello readers, In this tutorial I will guide you to "How to add Custom Metabox in a particular page in Wordpress."
In WordPress, If you want to add or save some extra field in a post, custom post type or in the page. So bas...
Submit form without loading the whole page
In cakephp when we submit a form from the ctp file. It goes to the controller and carry the action to which the form is submitted.
This requires the reloading of the complete page.
We can submit the form without reloading the whole page and...
Discussion on Authenticate Application in CakePHP Using Auth Component
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on authenticate application in CakePHP using Auth Component.
If we are developing a web application in CakePHP then some time we have to use Authenticate user for login functi...
Discussion on remember me in Cakephp
Hi Readers,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss on remember me in CakePHP.
If we have a login form in our CakePHP web application, So when we checked the “Remember Me” checkbox in our login page then our login id wil...
How to Create Rich content/text editor using jQuery?
Hello Readers ,
In this blog, I am going to guide you that how you can create Rich Text Editor in your Application.I am using Jquery plugin to create Rich Text Editor it contains so many features.
First, you need to include .js file in your...
Pascal's Triangle using recursion in php
Hello readers, today we will discuss printing pascal's triangle using recursion. Pascal's triangle is a triangle where each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it. We have one of the most interesting Number Patterns in Pas...
Implementing Hooks in Codeigniter
There are n number of situation where we want to call a function before or after an action. In Codeigniter, we can implement this by using Hooks. In-other-word, we can say Hooks are the event which can be called before or after the execution of a...
How to Set default timezone in cakephp
Hellow Reader's ,
Some time we need to set default time zone in our applications.In this blog i am going to explain how you can do this.
This is a simple step for change the defualt timezone in cakephp.
Go to your project directory
Discussion on beforeSave() methods in cakephp.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss beforeSave() method in CakePHP.
Basically beforeSave() methods is an important feature of CakePHP and this is a pre-save logic. It is also called callback methods in Cak...
How to use Blowfish password hasher in cakephp
Hellow Reader's ,
In this Blog you can learn how to secure your password in DB with Blowfish password hasher. it is very difficult to hack. you can use blowfish hasher by following these steps.
First use below line in your User (Model)
What is the location of js, css or image files in Symfony
Hello Friends,
If you are new in Symfony and looking to get location to save your js, css or image files, please review this blog. We have many ways to save the public files in symfony here we are describing two different ways to save these pu...
How to use Assetic in Symfony
Hello Friends,
Assetic is used to define CSS, JS and Images location in symfony. Assetic provides you flexiblity to store CSS, JS and Images at your desirable location and you can call these files on your twig or controller file easily. ...
How to customize Flash message in Cakephp 2.x?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to customize flash message in Cakephp 2.x?
If we want to customize flash message with alert flash box in our CakePHP web application.So for that we have to follow below pr...
How to route / customize route in CodeIgniter
In CodeIgniter URI routing system we find a one-to-one relationship between the path Controller_class/Controller_class_method and the URL .All the segments in a URI displays the below pattern :
How to upload multiple file upload in CakePHP 2.x?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to upload multiple file upload in CakePHP 2.x?
If we want to upload multiple images in our CakePHP web application with the help of input browse box. So for that we have t...
Extracting album art/album cover image from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP?
In the previous blog Extracting metadata info from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP? i explained how to extract information regarding a mp3 file using getID3. In this blog i will explain how to extract the image (if its there) inside a mp3 fil...
How to Upload Large Files in PHP?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss How to Upload Large Files in PHP?
Sometimes in a PHP web application. we need to upload a large file. So to manage large file upload in PHP web application we need to configur...
Difference between array_merge(), array_merge_recursive() and array_combine() functions in php
array_merge(): This function is used to join the one or more array into single array.
Syntax: array_merge($array1, $array2, $array3...);
Its required to pass at least one array to array_merge().
$array1 = arra...
How to create / retrieve / modify / delete a cookie
We use cookie to identify the identity of a user and make sure that the user is an authentic user when user traverses through different pages of an application or a website. Basically a cookie is a file in text format that is embedded by the serv...
Set Cookies in PHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss to set Cookies in PHP.
A cookie is a client side server which identifies the users on the user's computer. A cookie is a small file that the server embeds on the user'...
Create wordpress Plugin to Get all Category in Dropdown: Part 2
Hello readers,
In my previous blog, we talked about "How to Get All Category in Dropdown". Means that it will help you to get all category in dropdown and if you select any category from dropdown you get all related post
How to Print Floyd's Triangle in php ?
Hello readers, today I have taken example of Floyds triangle. Floyd's triangle is a right-angled triangle of array having natural numbers. The natural numbers are printed in such a manner , that it will look like right angle...
Extracting metadata info from a mp3 file using getID3 in Cake PHP?
getID3 is an open source PHP library which can extract information from multimedia file like audio, video and images in various formats.
For detailed information about the types of files please view this link:
http://www.getid3.org/demo/ .
How to get data from XML using SimpleXML extension in CakePHP
SimpleXML is an extension of PHP that allows us to get XML data.SimpleXML provides a way of getting element's name, attributes and textual content.SimpleXML extension fetches the data from XML document in a form of data structure.It is easy a...
How to protect CakePhp application against Sql injection in 2.x version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss How to protect CakePhp application against SQL injection in 2.x version?
Basically SQL injection is a technique which is used for attacking to data-driven in a web applicatio...
Customize Flash message in Cakephp 2
Customize Flash message in Cakephp 2
If you want to customize flash message, and want to integrate your own alert flash box, then you can do this by SessionComponent method.
Step 1 : First of all you need to include the session co...
PHP 7 new feature: The null coalesce operator
Hello Friends,
Today we will discuss about PHP 7 another new feature which is The null coalesce operator. This operator denoted by ?? (double question mark) and it replace the ternary operator feature in a single line with less code than...
PHP 7 new feature: Return type declaration
Hello Friends,
Today, We will discuss a new feature Return type declaration which is introduced in Php 7. Return type declaration refers the type of the value that a function should return.
Following is the declaration type supported by the...