Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
How to create a contact form using contact form 7 plugin in WordPress?
This aide is a prologue to the Contact Form 7 module for WordPress. Fundamental information of WordPress organization is required. With different illustrations, this instructional exercise discloses how to show a structure on your page, and how t...
How to find unix timestamp in PHP?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to find Unix timestamp in PHP?
If you want to get current Unix timestamp then you should use getTimestamp() function which returns Unix timestamp that represents the date...
How to customize contact form 7 in wordpress
Hello Friends,
Contact Form 7 is very good plugin to implement Contact Us page. If you are using Contact Form7 and want to make changes as per client requirement like add some more attributes(City, State, Country, Phone number) on contact us p...
Different ways to sort an array in PHP
PHP has a huge collection of predefined functions. This article demonstrates details about some functions which are used to sort an indexed and associative arrays on the basis of keys, values and by using the natural order algorithm. The list and...
Creating Menus in wordpress
We can create and use menus in wordpress by simply following below steps.
Step 1:- first we have do put our credential and get login to our wordpress dashboard.
Step 2:- then we have to select menu option from the 'Appearanc...
How to create a wordpress custom widget?
WordPress widget is a simple approach to include substance and particular elements into your site.
You simply need to move and customize the gadget into any widgetized territory like sidebar, footer or header of your site and begin utilizing i...
How to find the number of days between given two dates in php?
Hi Readers,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to find the number of days between given two dates in PHP?
If you want to calculate the difference between two dates then you should use date_diff() function for f...
Wordpress function the_widget()
Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss one of the wordPress function of widget api, the_widget(). Basically wordPress widget is nothing but a PHP object. Whenever widget() function is called, data displays on the page. If you wo...
Use of array_reverse() function in PHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss use of array_reverse() function in PHP.
This function is used to reset the index of elements and returns the reversed array.array_reverse() function accepts array...
How to use short code in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you are new in WP and you would like to use short code, get the knowledge of this as below.
Short code is a simple piece of code use in POST or PAGE to invoke set of functionality. For example Contact Form 7 provide
How to add custom meta in qTranslate with Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you are working in a multilingual project and using qTranslate plugin for language translation in wordpress. You can see custom meta fail to save multi languages in the database. Please follow the below step to get solution o...
WordPress functions remove_filter and remove_all_filters
Today we are going to discuss two wordPress functions current_filter and doing_filter. You can learn other wordPress functions in previous blogs. If you check our previous blogs on wordpress hooks then you can get the clear idea of it. We will re...
Wordpress functions current_filter and doing_filter
Welcome to FindNerd.
Today we are going to discuss two wordPress functions current_filter and doing_filter. You can learn other wordPress functions in previous blogs. If you check our previous blogs based on WordPress hooks then you can get th...
Use of json_encode() function in php
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss use of json_encode() function in php.
json_encode() is used to convert the array given as it's argument into a JSON string. JSON full form is JavaScript Objec...
How to unzip a file using PHP?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to unzip a file using PHP ?
Basically zip_open() function is used for opening the unzip file for reading. This is very simple method to unzip a zip file. So we can say th...
How to divide an array into smaller arrays
This article demonstrates about some PHP functions which can be used to divide an array into smaller arrays. The list and details of each function are given below :
1. array_chunk() :
array_chunk() splits an array into smaller chunks(arrays...
How to define Post Meta in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you would like to add some more attribute on your post page. We can use post meta for this. For example you want to add a new post for event creation. You want Event Title, Event Description and Event Start Date. Please revie...
How to define contact form in Hindi under Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you would like to define Contact Form-7 in hindi language. Please open your admin panel and follow the step below:
Step 1: Click at Contact form on left menu --> Add New
Step 2: Default contact form's content app...
How to fetch Post in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you are new in Wordpress and looking to fetch any specific post data. Please review the code below::
//Here we are going to fetch post named Vacancy.
$args = array('post_type' => 'Vacancy');
How to create pagination with wordpress post?
Hello Friends,
In Wordpress if you listing post on your page and wants to setup pagination on the pages. Please review the below code, I am listing vacancy and you can make your changes as per code requirement.
How to use fgets() function in PHP?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss what is the use of fgets in PHP ?
If you want a function that returns a line from an open file and after a specific length(the length that is specifie...
What is utilization of md5() function in php?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss what is utilization of md5() function.
md5() function is used to providing security for protecting your password.MD5 stands for Message-Digest Algorithm. Suppose you hav...
register_post type wordpress
Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss the wordpress function register_post_type. If you are working on word-press then you should be familiar with different post types in word-press like post,page,revision,draft etc. Word-press store...
Apply a user function on each element of an array
This article demonstrates some predefined functions of PHP which are used to apply a user defined function on each element of an array. The list and details of each function are given below :
1. array_map()
array_map() function ap...
Properties of class WP_Rewrite
Welcome to FindNerd.
Today we are going to discuss the concept of rewrite rules in word-press. It is little confusing for lots of developers but if we check different methods of WP_Rewrite class then you can easily implement them i...
How to check a key or value exist in array or not
This article demonstrates about PHP functions which can be used to check whether a key or value exist in an array or not. The details of each function are given below :
1. Checking a value in array
1.1 in_array()
in_array() is the most pop...
How to use getLastInsertId() in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use getLastInsertId() in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?
In CakePHP there are two methods for getting the last inserted id
How to add metabox WordPress
Welcome to Findnerd. In a series of wordPress functions, today i am going to discuss the wordPress function add_meta_box. WordPress is full on with customized options. Meta boxes is a wonderful option to customize. Meta-boxes are the special type...
add_query_arg function in WordPresswp
Welcome to FindNerd.
In a series of word-press functions, today i am going to discuss the word-press function add_query_arg. As its name implies, it is used to add arguments in a URL. First of all we discuss the parameters of this function. It...
func_get_args and func_num_args functions PHP
Welcome to Findnerd. In a series of PHP functions, today i am going to discuss the PHP function func_get_args. PHP is a scripting language which uses programing concept in much easy way. func_get_args came in PHP4 and it is being modified in late...
wp_list_filter wordpress function
Welcome to Findnerd.
In a series of word-press functions, today I am going to discuss the word-press function wp_list_filter. It's working as per the name. If you want to filter an array or a list then it can be a beneficial one. This func...
has_filter and has_action
Welcome to FindNerd.
Today I am going to discuss two word-press functions has_filter and has_action. You can use any of the function between two because indirectly has_action is calls has_filter. Both of them use global variable $wp_filt...
How to upload multiple image in php?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd
Today we are going to discuss how to upload multiple image in php?
To upload the multiple files you can follow the process by uploading it using different names for input. The process of uploading...
Compute difference of arrays using a user defined function
My previous article How to find the difference of arrays in PHP demonstrate about some predefined PHP functions such as array_diff(), array_diff_key() and array_diff_assoc() which are used to compute the difference of two or more arrays. These fu...
Confusion with action and filter hooks
Welcome to FindNerd.
Today I am going to discuss the confusion which has been created by word-press developers. If you check the source code of add_action then you will realize what I am asking. Please check the code below.
function add_a...
add_action and add_filter in WordPress
Welcome to FindNerd.
Today I am going to discuss two widely used functions in word-press that are add_action and add_filter. I have described the hooks and its uses in previous blogs so please follow these blogs for the same. Here we are discu...
WordPress Navigation Management
Welcome to FindNerd.
Today we are going to discuss the navigation management in word-press. We all knows WordPress provides text as well as functionality management using admin end. If you talk about the navigation then we can use the function...
Clarification of hooks in WordPress
Welcome to FindNerd.
Today we are going to discuss the hooks in WordPress. We all know hooks are also known as actions and filters. Many of the developers are confused with these terms. They are using filters and actions in their pro...
How to find the diffference of arrays in PHP
My previous blog Compute intersection of two or more arrays demonstrates about PHP functions which are used to compute intersection of two or more arrays. These functions return an array of common elements from first array which are also present ...
How to set paging in Codelgniter
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to set paging and listing in CodeIgniter. Please review the below example code and make your changes accordingly.
Controller Code
Open your controller file and make the changes as below:
Creating Custom Post Types in Wordpress
As we know wordpress contain post and pages as their primary substance. They are main content type in wordpress .But we can also make our own custom content types these are called custom post types.
They are similar to post and...
Create custom posts in wordpress theme
Default posts option is not sufficient for customized themes in WordPress. Sometimes users need to create and use their own post type with desired names apart from traditional blog posts.
The following PHP code will ...
How to fill an array with specified value?
This article demonstrates some PHP functions which are used to fill an array with values. The list and details of these functions are given below :
1. array_fill()
array_fill() function is used to fill an array with a specified va...
How to Calculate sum and product of all values in the array in php?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to Calculate sum and product of all values in the array in php?
Calculate sum and product are very important features when we need calculate sum or product of values stor...
Compute intersection of two or more arrays
My previous article Use of array_intersect() in PHP demonstrates about array_intersect() function which is used to compute the intersection of two or more arrays. array_intersect() returns an array with values of first array which are also presen...
Different methods to remove spaces from string
This article demonstrates different methods which are used for stripping or removing white space and other specified characters from the string. The list and details of each methods are given below :
1. trim()
trim() is the most p...
How to get particular column of a multidimensional array using foreach loop in PHP?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to get particular column of a multidimensional array using foreach loop in PHP?
Let have an array with full of key values:-
array('name' =...
How to make two divs equal in height lying side by side using html and css?
Hello Readers , this is a small blog on how to make two columns of equal height regardless of content inside the columns. First, we will write the HTML to make two columns lying side by side having same width. The following code is written to mak...
1. filter_var():- filter_var() function is used to check if the given variable is a valid IPv6 Address
$ip = "2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652";
if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === false)
what is difference between array_merge and array_combine in php
Array_merge merges the elements of two or more array in one array such that the value of second array is appended to the value of first array. If two or more array elements have same key, then the later value will overrides t...