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How to add current datetime in Django framework?
In Django framework first, we create the project in your Django server and add all javascript and CSS and jquery file in your HTML page and then create function.
Follow these step shown below
Step1- First we create a project in your Django&...
How to add AngularJS in Django framework?
In Django framework first, create a project and then setup all file in Django server. Follow these steps given below
Step1- First, create a project in Django using the link given below and setup database in setting.py file.
How to install Django Web Framework on Ubuntu 14.04 ?
Django is Python web framework for developing dynamic websites and applications. Using Django we can develop Python web applications faster.
There are number of ways for installing Django, for now I will discuss two ways for installing Django
How to create models in dijango
To create models in dijango to following thses step in given below:
Step1- First you check your mysql is proparlly working in your systems.
Step2- Than DB setting in the settings.py in your project like as
'default': {...
Setup Django framework in wondows
Hi All,
If you want to setup Django framework in your system then you just need to read this blog only .
Python Installation : - You need to install python first.You can install python from here . I'm using 3.5.2 version of pyt...
Django Framework.
Django is an open source web application framework, developed using Python, which follows the Model View Controller architectural pattern. It is maintained by the Django Software Foundation.
Django's objective is to simplify the creation of co...