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How to make Python 3 as your default Python Version on Windows 10/7
Python is known to be a Data Science programming language that effectively and simply solves algorithmic problems or Python is used to develop web applications. Python is a universal programming language. Python eases the execution of code becaus...
How to Make a Twitter Bot in Python With Tweepy
Twitter is a widely used social network around the world. A Twitter presence makes sense when the owner of the account is able to keep his or her followers engaged with new tweets and retweets, replying to messages and following other accounts th...
Why Python is the Best Programming Language for Deep Learning?
Deep Learning has gained fame and importance like never before by recently owing to its applications in image recognition, voice recognition, pattern detection, etc.
However, do you know which programming language is widely use...
Python Technology Used for Application Oriented Fields
Python is a vibrant and object-oriented programming language, widely utilized for web application development. 90% of people prefer Python over other technology because of its primitiveness, reliability and easy interfacing. It offers both compel...
5 Industries Looking for Python Coders
Python has quickly become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Despite having practical application in a wide range of different specializations, Python's a relatively easy language to use. It has value in...
Top Python Youtube Tutorial Channels You Should be Following
Python isn't the easiest programming language to learn, but those willing to get past the initial barrier to entry will find a deep and robust language that can be utilized in any number of different ways. Fortunately, there are countless res...
Python Programming Language in Embedded Software Development - Core Roles
Image: Business Insider Title: Python Programming Language
The deployment of embedded systems on a large scale demands inexpensive components. Considerations like low power consumption, high reliability and small size ...
Top 5 Useful Python Libraries Web Developers Can't Live Without
We all love Python, don’t we? With so many tools, modules and libraries, Python ecosystem is extensive and widespread in both depth and space. The open-source biome is intimidating and even with years of experience, a developer is required ...
Reading and writing file on MAC with Python
Hi All ,
Some time we have to create a file to store some data for our application and also read that file whenever we need it. So in this tutorial we will learn how to create a file on MAC system using python and also reading and wr...
HTTP request using python
Hi All,
HTTP request is a two way process i..e client - server communication .Three basic features that make HTTP a powerful protocol and these are:
HTTP is connection less
HTTP is media independent
HTTP is stateless:
GUI to show list in MAC application
Hi All,
In this tutorial we will update list as user enter an entry to the list. We create an entry field and a button to get details from the user and label to show the list. First we will create a user interface.
1) First step is to creat...
Create a simple login application for MAC
Hi all,
An app user has to login before navigating to the any screen. In our app user will enter username and password for login, so we need two textfield and a button two submit. so lets start and follow these steps.
1) First step is to cr...
How to add current datetime in Django framework?
In Django framework first, we create the project in your Django server and add all javascript and CSS and jquery file in your HTML page and then create function.
Follow these step shown below
Step1- First we create a project in your Django&...
How to add AngularJS in Django framework?
In Django framework first, create a project and then setup all file in Django server. Follow these steps given below
Step1- First, create a project in Django using the link given below and setup database in setting.py file.
How to install Django Web Framework on Ubuntu 14.04 ?
Django is Python web framework for developing dynamic websites and applications. Using Django we can develop Python web applications faster.
There are number of ways for installing Django, for now I will discuss two ways for installing Django
How to create models in dijango
To create models in dijango to following thses step in given below:
Step1- First you check your mysql is proparlly working in your systems.
Step2- Than DB setting in the settings.py in your project like as
'default': {...
How to create project in dijango-1.4
In dijango-1.4 to create project in under django framwork use the below commands step by step :-
Step1- First you have to check your dijango framework in proparly worked or not.
Step2- Than Go to the django framwork location:
How to install Djanog-1.4 with python in ubuntu
Use these step to install the django-1.4 in ubuntu
Step1- First check the python-2.7 version by use this commond
python -V
Step2- than use below link and install django-1.4 version
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Django/1.4 ...
Setup Django framework in wondows
Hi All,
If you want to setup Django framework in your system then you just need to read this blog only .
Python Installation : - You need to install python first.You can install python from here . I'm using 3.5.2 version of pyt...
Sorting Tuple/List In Python
Hi All,
In programming world, we have to perform some basic operation on list or tuple but in python , it is easy to perform any operation on list or tuple. for example:-
If you have a number tuple/list like
data = [[1,10,8], [4,...
Make A Simple Sign In User Interface Using Python For Windows
Hi All,
In this blog, I will tell you , how to make a simple Sign-In/Log-In UI for User. I'm using python27 for this code. Python give you IDLE, which is a good python editor. There are many libraries to make User interface in python, but ...
Returning Multiple Values in Python using Dictionary?
# A Python program returning multiple values from a method using dictionary
# Function is define that returns a dictionary
def fun():
d = dict();
d['str'] = "Demo"
d['x'] = 20
return d
# Driver code to test abo...
Returning Multiple Values in Python using tuple?
# A Python program returning multiple values from a method using tuple
# Function is defined that returns a tuple
def fun():
str = "Demo"
x = 20
return str, x; # Returning a tuple
# Driver code to test above method
Returning Multiple Values in Python using list?
# A Python program returning multiple values from a method using list
# Defining a function which returns a list
def fun():
str = "Demo"
x = 20
return [str, x];
# Driver code to test above function
list = fun() ...
How to create search function in python
In python search function searches for first occurrence of RE pattern within string with optional flags.
The search function is used to re.search function and returns a match object on success.
use the below syntax for search function in .py ...
How to initialization the function in python
In python your extension module is the initialization function and This function is called by the Python interpreter when the module is loaded. the function is named initModule.
use the below function in your own module in .py file,
method mapping table in python
In python method mapping table is an array of PyMethodDef structures which creates this (PyMethodDef) structure through a function and the table needs to be terminated with a sentinel that consists of NULL and 0 values for the appropriate members...
Sending Attachments as an E-mail in Python
To send an e-mail with mixed content you requires to set Content-type header to multipart/mixed. Then, text and attachment sections can be specified within boundaries.
A boundary started with two hyphens followed by a unique number, which cannot...
How to create Simple Client in python
In python simple client program opens a connection to a given port 9876543 and given host. It is very simple to create a socket client using Python's socket module function. The socket.connect(hosname, port ) opens a TCP connection to hostname on...
How to create A Simple Server in python
In python simple server is Internet servers, we use the socket function available in socket module to create a socket object. After then a socket object is used to call other functions to setup a socket server. after this call bind(hostname, port...
what is the socket Module in python
In python socket Module create socket and also use the function name socket.socket() function. This function is also available in socket module. There are many type of socket method in python like- Server Socket Methods and Client Socket Methods...
How to create the match Function in python
In python match Function is a function witch attempts to match RE pattern to string with optional flags and re.match function returns a match object on success, None on failure.
Here is the syntax for this function:
re.match(pattern, string, ...
How to create class in python
In python class statement creates a new class definition and The class has a documentation string which can be accessed via ClassName.__doc__. The class_suite consists of all the component statements defining class members, data attributes and fu...
Synchronizing Threads in Python
With the help of threading module we can implement locking mechanism that allows you to synchronize threads. And a new lock is created by calling the Lock() method, which returns the new lock and thread in threads module.
For example you can see...
How to handle Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) in python
In python Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol. Python provide smtplib module to handle the email system and SMTP client session object which is used to send mail to any Internet machine with an SMTP or ESMTP listener daemon along w...
How to use the dis Module in python
In python dis module converts byte codes to a format and You can run the disassembler from the command line and It compiles the given script and prints the disassembled byte codes to the stdout . The dis function takes a class, method, function o...
How to create tuples in python?
In python, tuples is just like a list but little differ form list, To say correctly tuples is a sequence of immutable Python objects and it can not be change just like a list also tuples use parentheses.
Creating a tuple is as simple you have to...
what is loop control statements in python
In python loop control statements means(CSM) that CSM is change execution from its normal sequence and When execution leaves a scope, all automatic objects that were created in that scope are destroyed.
python support three statements of loop co...
How to create for loop in python?
In python to create for loop refers to executes a sequence of statements multiple times and abbreviates the code that manages the loop variable.
Use the below example to create for loop:
test = raw_input("what is for loop ")
for letter i...
The return Statement in Python
The return statement indicate that return exits in a function and optionally pass back an expression to the caller variable and return statement with no arguments is the same as return None variable.
For example you can see below code and try it...
What is python ?
Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented and high-level programming language
Python programs are portable, i.e. they can be ported to other operating systems like Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS X, and they can be ru...