Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi -
Make UIImage White Background Transparent in iOS
If you came across to a requirement where you want
by ashish.nakoti -
User's location update on server when app is in background.
Code for those Apps where we need to update user's
by ashish.nakoti -
Animate button with zoom and bounce effect in ios
Many social apps are using bouncing effect for but
by ashish.nakoti -
Crop an image from UIImageView
With the following method stated below you can cro
by kuldeep.butola
iOS-Get Number of Days According to the Selected Month in Month Picker
1. Suppose you want to select or get number of days as per its month.
2. First, use a picker & convert it into month picker you can use many third-party pods or simply use their .h or .m files also.
3. Once ur picker is ready to go select a...
UIPopoverPresentationController in iOS
To present a controller as a popOver we use UIPopoverPresentationController. It display the content in a popover. We can easily do it by setting controller presentation Style as popover and then presenting it.
Add UIPopoverPresenta...
How to Show an Animated Splash Screen in iOS?
1. Add an image view in your initial view controller as-UIImageView *animatedSplashScreen;
2. Set its frame in such a way that its compatible with all the devices as
animatedSplashScreen = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:[[UIScreen ma...
How to login with Facebook in swift 3.0
To Implement Facebook login in swift 3.0, we can use following steps.
1. install pod
pod 'FacebookCore'
pod 'FacebookLogin'
2.Register your app on the Facebook developer account. After registration,Go to you info.plist, right ...
Convert NSDate from local timezone to UTC and vice versa in Swift 3.0
1. To convert UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) to Local timezone
func convertToLocalDateFromUTCDate(dateStr : String) -> String {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"
How to Move Map in Background with Fixed Marker Pin in Objective-C iOS?
Install pods named as- pod 'GoogleMaps'
Import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h> in your class.
On your view controller where you want to show the map take a UIview & adjust its size according to the size you want to show the map...
UINotification in iOS10, Swift 3.0
To implement Notification in iOS 10, follow below steps.
Go to Project -> Target -> capabilities -> push notifications
enable push notification.
Now in Your AppDelegate Class do following steps -
1. Import UserNotifications.
Learn iOS Core Animation Basicsin 5 Minute [Video Tutorial]
Hello everyone, in this iOS Video Tutorial we will learn Core Animation Basics with Example.
For any queries feel free to ask in comment.
Convenience Initializer in Swift with Example
Convenience Initializer used in swift as a supporting initializer. By using the convenience initializer you can put multiple -init along with other and use whichever you want to use.
convenience initializers have the convenience keyw...
MKMapView in iOS App With Example [Beginners Video Tutorial]
In this iOS Video Tutorial for Beginners we will learn how to:
a) Set region on map view
b) Get location coordinates of point where user taps on map
c) Add annotation on map view
d) Drop animation for adding annotation
Other Topics Co...
iOS Delegation - Video Tutorial with Example
Hello everyone, in this iOS Video Tutorial we will learn Delegation in iOS with Example.
Delegate is simply just a means of communication between objects of iOS applications. You can think delegation as a simple way of connecting objects ...
iOS UITabbarController Video Tutorial for Beginners with Example
In this Tutorial of iOS Beginners Video Tutorial Series, we will learn the following things:
a) Adding a UITabbarController
b) Setting icon and title to Tab bar items
c) Adding view controller to Tab bar controller
d) Rearranging/reordering...
UICollectionView in iOS App with Example - Video Tutorial for Beginners
In this iOS Video Tutorial we will learn the following points
a) Add collection view
b) Implement UICollectionViewDataSource methods to populate cells on collection view
c) Using custom UICollectionViewCell
d) Setting size of cells by i...
iOS UIPopover Viewcontroller Using Swift and Xcode-Video Tutorial with Example
Hello everyone,
In previous Video Tutorial I had explained about iOS UITableView Basic using Swift and Xcode 8 - Video Tutorial with Example.
So continuing the series now this iOS Video Tutorial will guide you to Implement&nbs...
iOS UITableView Basic using Swift and Xcode 8-Video Tutorial with Example
In this iOS Video Tutorial talk about the basic of table view in iOS and iOS 10 using hardcoded value and basic array using SWIFT 3.0 and XCode 8.
In our Next Video Tutorial, we will talk about iOS UIPopover Viewcontroller Using...
Draw Line And Circle with Animation
CoreAnimation has provided various animation APIs that can be used to accomplish the animation needs. Using UIBeizierPath and CoreAnimation APIs here I’m drawing a line and a circle using CAShapeLayer.
//Below is the function to d...
iOS iMessage emoji Animated Stickers Pack Application for iPhones - Apple
iOS provides a richer way to express feelings via iMessages using various stickers. And most interestingly these stickers are not limited, one can build their own stickers too and submit it to iTunes stores like other apps.
Here I&...
Access levels in Swift
Access control is used to define accessibility of a class or data members and functions of a class. We can set scope of a member so that it is visible only in the class in which it is defined or in subclasses or in the module or everywhere.
How to show HTML text on UILabel?
To show HTML text on UILabel we need to convert the text to NSAttributedString. To achieve this we can use following code:
if let htmlData = htmlString.data(using: String.Encoding.utf16, allowLossyConversion: false) {
How to store user information in NSUserDefaults in swift language?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to store user information in NSUserDefaults in swift language. Below is the code in swift language for the same:-
import UIKit
import Foundation
class RegisterViewCont...
5 Essential Tips for Developing Your First iOS App
Every company needs an app. If you’re the one responsible for making those apps, your work is already cut out for you. Making your first iOS app may seem intimidating, but going in with the right knowledge will provide you with some com...
Things to Remember Before Hiring Team for iOS App Development
The present market scenario, every business firm wants to pump out maximum benefits, and this can be only possible if they deploy essential platforms like digital as well as mobile, to promote the respective products and services in...
Apple launches waterproof iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus with dual camera, AirPods & Apple Watch
In my iPhone 7 launch and rumour roundup published 2 days back, I have compiled a series of expected specs and features that were circulating around the globe. Glad to see, that majority of expectations that were included in the rumou...
How to add records into Firebase in iOS sdk?
Hi Readers,
Many developers use third party SDK for saving records into the Database, Firebase provides us this functionality. To add records into Firebase, please follow these steps:
First of all, you need to create a reference to Firebase...
Add camera node in sceneKit
Adding Camera node provide us the point of view from which we view our scene. To add camera node we have to simply make the SCNCamera object and assign it to node’s camera property.
let ...
How to Display banner ads for DFP users in ObjectiveC
This blog includes how to display banner ads for DFP users.For this first user need to signed up as a DFP (Double click for publisher) and then install cocoa pods for Google mobile ads.
pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'
We can also in...
What is FireBase?
Firebase is a Google product for the mobile platform that helps us developing High-quality apps quickly, it also helps us to create our own userbase & earn more money. Google's FireBase provides us cloud & back-end services. Fir...
Generate random number without repetition in ObjectveC
This blog includes generating the random number without repetition of number in specific range.
For this we need to take a array to store the generated number so that we can keep track that the number is already generated or not.
Here is th...
No Selection in interface builder
With Xcode4.0 and onward(including XCode7.x) we occasionally come across an issue in interface builder which happens while working.
The Attribute inspector in Interface builder says “No Selection” although you’ve object/ele...
Update location in background after specific interval of time in objecticeC
This blog includes updation of location while your app is in background mode. Sometimes we need to fetch the user location while the app is in a background. To achieve this first we need to use the location manager.
Here is the code ...
Creating SubDirectory using XCAssets
Sometimes we need to be more generic about naming convention of images. We may need same name of assets(images) for various views.
Xcode doesn’t allow us to keep the files with same name and can throw error or change the asset name by it...
How to change voice using AVSpeechSynthesis in swift
This blog includes the use of -
If we want to change the default voice i.e system voice then we need to use speechVoices{} array which contains the name of persons and locations. iOS has a nice method for sett...
Check if new version of app is present in appstore programmatically.
Many apps these days show an alert on app's launch saying a new update is present at the store.
To implement this feature first we need to find version of the app available on app store and version of the current running app and then compa...
How to get the image size after aspect fit in objectiveC
When we set the aspect fit property of image view then the size of image get reduced because it sets the image according to the aspect ratio. So if we want to get the size after aspect fit the use the following code-
In the following cod...
How to animate view zoom and bounce like popup in objectiveC
This blog includes zoom and bouncing In animation on view. If we want to present view like popUp alert then it include two animation-
first is zoom and second is bouncing.These two animation can be achieved by affinity transform.Scaling, rotat...
Clear view or image with touch in iOS
Hi Readers,
Paint related apps are usually used to clear content what have been drawn. One can achieve it by using Core Graphics framework provided by iOS.
With touch delegate methods will be called so following code snippet will give prope...
How to fadeIn the selected cell of uicollection view in objective C
If we want to fadeIn the selected cell of collection view then use the following code-
Sometimes we need to show the selected cell . For example - If we have list of songs and we want to display which song is currrently playing then FadeIn met...
How to run multiple instances of simulator in iOS
We can easily run multiple instances of simulator using terminal commands. But they have be different devices like iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6 etc, i.e. we cannot have two simulators of iPhone 6 simultaneously. Also we can't use xcode...
Play video within given frame or in UICollectionViewCell/UITableViewCell
Hi Readers,
Usually we have scenarios for playing videos within the app. MPMoviePlayerController will be used for that. But you can see MPMoviePlayerController deprecated in iOS 9 and later. So we need to put our focus on AVPlayer now. With AV...
How to crop the video from URL in objective-C
If we record the video from our app and need to crop that video in the square shape on any other specific frame then use the following code-
In this code, we need the URL of the video that can be local URL because when we record any video it i...
How to create custom library in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to create custom library with the help of AssestsLibrary framework. Custom library is useful for multiple images selection at one time so given below is the screenshot of story...
How to set random numbers from an array as title of UIButton in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to set random numbers from an array as title of different UIButton taken in story board. Random numbers are much needed if you are making a number based gaming applic...
Bottom pull to refesh for pagination in table view in Swift
Hi Readers,
Pagination is required in most of our apps in today scenario. We can achieve it either pull to refresh from top or bottom. UIRefreshControl is the feature if you want to implement it from top side and insert processed records into ...
How to parse JSON in Swift with ObjectMapper
Hi Readers,
Every app needs to parse JSON data coming from server and ObjectMapper is a powerful tool to achieve that. It can be easily done with provided pod which can be install by adding following line into podfile:
pod 'ObjectMa...
Blocks or closures in Swift
Hi Readers,
We used to code blocks in Objective C, mainly to implement callbacks. For that particular functionality we can use closures in Swift. That will work same as blocks in Objective C. Closures are enclosed in curly braces { } and are d...
How to play music in the background using AVAudioplayer
Hi Readers,
Many times we need to play music even app is in background. It is normal behavior of AVAudioPlayer to play sound when app is in foreground or active state. But to play sound, music or song even in background state can be achieved b...
How to drag and drop UICollectionView cell item to another UIView in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to drag and drop UICollectionView cell item to another UIView with the help of long press gesture. First of all given below is the snapshot of storyboard in which collection ...
Customizing search bar in iOS SDK
Hi Readers,
Customizing search bar can be easily done with UISearchBar. All you need to check view hierarchy of search bar subviews for that as with latest iOS SDK hierarchy can get changed. Customizing can be done by changing these views colo...
How to download videos from YouTube in iOS
Hi Readers,
We can download video file from Youtube if we know youtube URL of the video. First you need to add attached files (HCYoutubeParser) into your project. Now you need to call following function into your code:
let video = HCYout...
How to download data Using NSOperations and NSOperationQueue
Hi Readers,
It is sometimes required to download files or images from server into local. We can perform these tasks by NSOperation and NSOperationQueue efficiently. The basic idea is to create each download operation separately and add these o...