How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi
Convert SASS Application to Android App
I have a SASS Application built on Rub on Rails [ Responsive Design]. Is there any way I can convert App to Android application and use it
adb shell command to toggle google location reporting
Hi Android Nerds,
I'm looking for a solution to enable high accuracy GPS without any prompt so and it will also enable google location reporting is there any way to do this by android terminal or using adb shell on windows ?
errror come on run time to connect my android app with mysql
my code this
AllProductsActivity Class
public class AllProductsActivity extends ListActivity {
// Progress Dialog
private ProgressDialog pDialog;
// Creating JSON Parser object
JSONParser jParser = new JSONParser();
How can we prepare JSON Array by using List View in Android
I would like to prepare the JSON array by using the list view.
Prepared the CustomListView and adapted the data and performing onClikclistener() to give input and set the data. Now trying to use data in list adapter with some custom data to pre...
Populating listview with various custom objects in separate sections
I have 3 array list which gets data from various model classes.. I want to display these 3 in a single listview with separate headers. How can I achieve this? Can anyone help me?
Android How to upload image into the server using Volley library
I want to upload my captured images from camera to my 000webhost.com server using the volley library.
I want where I am getting wrong and suggest me full code solution.
I have tried to write the code, But its not working.
I am getti...
How to start debugging on a specific frame while debugging an android app using android studio?
I am using android studio. While debugging my app I want to jump to the specific frame and start debugging from that frame, skipping the other frames in the frames tab.
I want to see the frames that are only related to my android application a...
How to implement the different views dynamically and handle input data and set the data
I would like to add different kinds of dynamic views like textview, edittext, datepicker etc to already existed layout. With this existed layout have some static views which are mandatory. this dynamic views have to add based on API response co...
How To Select Multiple images in android
How To Select Multiple images in android. kindly give me idea so i could implement it.
How to Parse and read the JSON Array using GSON library
How to parse the below type of API Response
"id": "xxxxxx",
"displayLabel": "xxxxxxx",
"name": "xxxxxxx",
"fieldType": "Dropdown",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "xxxxxx",
Help me Inserting Alarm and Notification
please help me inserting alarm and notofication for my uploaded file to be presented tommorrow for my defense pls :(
suggestions for my android app
hello guys,
i m creating an android activity in which i want to scroll a group of images(any number) on the click of a manual button.Kindly suggest me any useful libraries in this regard.
How to configure Android WebView to encrypt cookies?
This has been raised as a security concern blocking the release of my Cordova application on Android 4.4 KitKat
Using a SQLIte browser on a rooted device, the application session id cookie is being written in plain text into a SQLite table nam...
Zoomable List view
How to increase font sizes of list view items containing more than one textviews. on pinch - zoom gesture android? There is nothing such list view found on internet
Include GIF in Android Game.
Hello guys,does anyone know how to include gifs in an Android Game?
Thank you!
Replacing images with text when a radio button is clicked.
I am a newbie developer to android. I am trying to develop an application as a test run it is a Q and A app.
Can anyone help me with the following problem.
The pages have 2 radio buttons in a radio group, the center of the page has an image...
Socket Exception in android
When I run this method I get an error of socket Exception.
(Permission denied) i.e,java.net.SocketException: socket failed:
Can you please me to find its solution.
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
URL u...
NetworkOnMainThread Exception
I am trying to call getBitmapFromURL() methos from onCreate() of my Activity and getting NetworkOnMainThread Exception.
Please help me to solve this problem.
public static Bitmap getBitmapFromURL(String src) {
try {
ORM GreenDao vs ORMLite
Which ORM is better is terms of performance and ease of use between these two. In some benchmarks I have read ORMLite is faster and in some, I read GreenDao. I like the way automatic code generation works in GreenDao. Also it does not use any ann...
Payment page in my app
Hi I am designing an android page which consists of payment gateway. I would like to implement payment in 2 ways.. Either by manually enter the card details or just scan the card with the help Of camera.. How would I do this if I scan ca...