As in my previous blog display content in OpenERP/Odoo the same process will we followed for odoo9, and they are:-
Widgets have a number of methods and features, but the basics are simple:
1. set up a widget
2. format the widget's data
3. display the widget
The HomePage widget already has a start() method. That method is part of the normal widget lifecycle and automatically called once the widget is inserted in the page. It is used to display some content.
All widgets have a $el which represents the section of page they're in charge of (as a jQuery object). Widget content should be inserted there. By default, $el is an empty element.
A element is usually invisible to the user if it has no content (or without specific styles giving it a size) which is why nothing is displayed on the page when HomePage is launched.
For example code is below.
local.HomePage = instance.Widget.extend({
start: function() {
this.$el.append("Hello dear Odoo user!
Note-Display content refresh the javascript code loaded in Odoo Web, you will need to reload the page. There is no need to restart the Odoo server.
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