In the previous article, one of my colleagues has shared 6 easy steps to install Node.js on Linux Ubuntu. I’ll take a step forward and explain in a straightforward way to open a Node.js command prompt in Ubuntu. We will use Ubuntu “Advanced Packaging Tool” APT to install.

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Let’s proceed,
Step 1) Update the APT:
Update the APT to avail it’s latest version by using the following command.
sudo apt-get update
Step 2) Before installing Node.js check dependencies which will be needed:
Check C compiler:
cc --version
sudo get-apt install g++
Check Python:
sudo get-apt install python-software-properties.
Step 3) To install Nodejs:
sudo get-apt install nodejs
Step 4) After Nodejs installed check nodejs on terminal
press enter, If below sign shows then nodejs cmd have started.
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