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  • Adding multipli core in spring with custom solr repository

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    Repository take solrtemplate to execute solr operations. Since we have multiple cores so we need to create multiple template and multiple repositories for each core. Following example explains it with 2 solr core

    Repository and custom implementation for core1:

    public interface ICore1CustomDao {
    	  List<Core1> findCore1Data();
    public interface Core1Repository extends SolrCrudRepository<Core1, String> {
    public class Core1DaoImpl implements ICore1CustomDao {
        private SolrTemplate core1Template;
        public EventRepositoryImpl(SolrTemplate core1Template) {
            this.core1Template = core1Template;
        public List<Core1> findCore1Data() {
            return core1Template.queryForPage(new SimpleQuery("*:*"), Core1.class);

    Do same for Core2 repositories.

    Configure solr as:

    public class Application {
    	public SolrServerFactory solrServerFactory() {
    		return new MulticoreSolrServerFactory(new HttpSolrServer("http://localhost:8983/solr"));
    	public SolrTemplate core1Template() throws Exception {
    		SolrTemplate solrTemplate = new SolrTemplate(solrServerFactory());
    	    return solrTemplate;
    	public Core1Repository core1Repository() throws Exception {
    	    return new SolrRepositoryFactory(core1Template())
    	      .getRepository(Core1Repository.class, new Core1DaoImpl(core1Template()));
    	public SolrTemplate core2Template() throws Exception {
    		SolrTemplate solrTemplate = new SolrTemplate(solrServerFactory());
    	    return solrTemplate;
    	public Core2Repository core2Repository() throws Exception {
    	    return new SolrRepositoryFactory(core2Template())
    	      .getRepository(Core2Repository.class, new Core2DaoImpl(core2Template()));

    Its done. 

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