TO Generate all the objects from the templates in wizard follow below given point in openerp
1-param company: It refers company the wizard is running for.
2-param code_digits: It is a number of digits that accounts code should have in the COA
3-param transfer_account_id: It reference to the account template that will be used as intermediary account for transfers between 2 liquidity accounts
4-param acc_ref: It does Mapping between ids of account templates and real accounts created from them
5-param taxes_ref: It does Mapping between ids of tax templates and real taxes created from them
6-returns: tuple with a dictionary containing
* the mapping between the account template ids and the ids of the real accounts that have been generated from them, as first item,
* a similar dictionary for mapping the tax templates and taxes, as second item.
Use this function given below .py file.
def _load_template(self, company, code_digits=None, transfer_account_id=None, account_ref=None, taxes_ref=None):
if account_ref is None:
account_ref = {}
if taxes_ref is None:
taxes_ref = {}
if not code_digits:
code_digits = self.code_digits
if not transfer_account_id:
transfer_account_id = self.transfer_account_id
AccountTaxObj = self.env['']
# Generate taxes from templates.
generated_tax_res = self.tax_template_ids._generate_tax(company)
# Generating Accounts from templates.
account_template_ref = self.generate_account(taxes_ref, account_ref, code_digits, company)
# writing account values after creation of accounts
company.transfer_account_id = account_template_ref[]
for key, value in generated_tax_res['account_dict'].items():
if value['refund_account_id'] or value['account_id']:
'refund_account_id': account_ref.get(value['refund_account_id'], False),
'account_id': account_ref.get(value['account_id'], False),
# Create Journals
self.generate_journals(account_ref, company)
# generate properties function
self.generate_properties(account_ref, company)
# Generate Fiscal Position , Fiscal Position Accounts and Fiscal Position Taxes from templates
self.generate_fiscal_position(taxes_ref, account_ref, company)
return account_ref, taxes_ref
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