In OpenERP first we create users and configure users access rights, then user will create a new filter, use filter group and also add a new ir.rule entry for model_id and domain on the target group_id. If restrict is True then instead of adding a rule, the domain will be combined with AND operator with all existing rules in the group and then share filter.
Use this function show below
def sharing_rule(self, cr, current_user, wizard_data, group_id, model_id, domain, restrict=False, rule_name=None, context=None):
if rule_name is None:
rule_name = _('Sharing filter created by user %s (%s) for group %s') % \
(, current_user.login, group_id)
rule_obj = self.pool.get('ir.rule')
rule_ids =, UID_ROOT, [('groups', 'in', group_id), ('model_id', '=', model_id)])
if rule_ids:
for rule in rule_obj.browse(cr, UID_ROOT, rule_ids, context=context):
if rule.domain_force == domain:
# don't create it twice!
if restrict:
self._logger.debug("Ignoring sharing rule on model %s with domain: %s the same rule exists already", model_id, domain)
if restrict:
# restricting existing rules is done by adding the clause
# with an AND, but we can't alter the rule if it belongs to
# other groups, so we duplicate if needed
rule = self._check_personal_rule_or_duplicate(cr, group_id, rule, context=context)
eval_ctx = rule_obj._eval_context_for_combinations()
org_domain = expression.normalize(eval(rule.domain_force, eval_ctx))
new_clause = expression.normalize(eval(domain, eval_ctx))
combined_domain = expression.AND([new_clause, org_domain])
rule.write({'domain_force': combined_domain, 'name': + _('(Modified)')})
self._logger.debug("Combining sharing rule %s on model %s with domain: %s",, model_id, domain)
if not rule_ids or not restrict:
rule_obj.create(cr, UID_ROOT, {
'name': rule_name,
'model_id': model_id,
'domain_force': domain,
'groups': [(4,group_id)]
self._logger.debug("Created sharing rule on model %s with domain: %s", model_id, domain)
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