Below is the step-wise process for integrating a Podfile easily in your Application.
Open Terminal
Change the directory in Terminal to the location where your Xcode project resides.
When you reach to the desired project location in which you want to add a PodFile. You can create an empty file by using the command touch Podfile.
Then by using open Podfile command you can open the file you have created before and then add the desired podfile to that and close the window.
list of some Podfiles are shown below...
-pod AFNetworking, 0.9.1
-pod Facebook-iOS-SDK
-pod EGOTableViewPullRefresh
-pod JSONKit
-pod MBProgressHUD
-pod Reachability
Now use pod install command to install the pod file in your project.
The extension of our Xcode project integrated with podfile is .xcworkspace.
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