OpenCV is an open source project that provides OpenCV android SDK to match one template against other.
These are the following steps to add OpenCv in your project :
1. First of all download Android studio from this link -
2. Now download openCV android SDK from this link -
3. Extract openCV SDK zip file
4. Open your android studio and create a sample project like openCVExample
5. Now go to file and add android module by giving path of Java folder inside openCV android SDK that would be like this : /OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/java
6. Open module setting and go to SDK location and add Ndk development.
7. Now copy libs folder of openCV SDK i.e /OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/libs inside app's main folder and rename libs folder to jniLibs.
8. Clean and build your project now.
9. Now check whether openCV is loaded or not like this :
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
Log.e(" status :", " not working.");
} else {
Log.e(" status :", " working.");
10. If working you can continue using openCV SDK.
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