Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about "How to change category page layout ".
There are different ways to change the category layout in Magento.
1. Change individual category page layout
Login to admin panel
1. Go to Catalog -> Manage Categories
2. Select any category
3. Click the ‘Custom Design’ tab
4. Select the page layout from selectbox drop down option of ‘Page Layout’ field.
5. Save Category
2. Changing category page layout from catalog.xml file
1. Go to catalog.xml file (Path: app/design/frontend/current_theme/default/layout)
2. Find the tag ‘<catalog_category_default>’
3. Search the following line within this tag.
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
The above line has set 2columns-left.phtml file. You can change it as per client request. (like 2columns-right.phtml, 3columns.phtml)
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