Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
The Art of Customization: Elevating Content Experiences through Personalization
IntroductionIn today's information overload, standing out requires more than good content. It would help if you personalized it to your audience, speaking directly to their needs and desires. This shift from generic messaging to individuali...
What Makes A CMS An Excellent Choice For Business?: Know The Truth
A content management system helps you launch a website instantly without needing you to possess in-depth technical knowledge. It helms an excellent user experience, along with providing thorough support. The best way to identify whether your busi...
Must-Have Features For A Third Party Salesforce CRM Portal Solution
If you are in the business of ecommerce in any capacity, then you probably know that it is important to give access of your CRM to your customers, so that they can manage their wish list, orders, payments, as well as refunds and returns. Now, of ...
How to Grow Your Magento eCommerce Store - Important Things to Know
Your online presence is necessarily crucial in today’s modern epoch if you are expecting better business opportunities! It doesn’t matter in which trade you are, if you are offering adequate online services, you can expect great reven...
Magento Development: The Definitive Solution for Ecommerce Store
Planning to enter the digital trading world by building an e-commerce platform for your business? Well, you need to understand a few aspects related to choosing the right platform for e-commerce development!
With the introduction of ...
A List of Top 10 Best WordPress (WP) Personal Blog Themes!
In the current year and the near future, it is highly important that one maintains a blog for their business. Not only must the content in such a venture be of high-quality, but it must also be presented in a suitable theme. This way, you can be ...
WordPress vs: Magento: Web Applications Comparison
WordPress vs: Magento: Applications Compared
Anyone wishing to open a business in the global network needs suitable e-commerce software to operate. There are several web applications that business owners use. Online shop owners often choose Ma...
Magento vs Shopify vs WooCommerce vs OpenCart E-Commerce Platform Comparison
Many of the clients and vendors who are involved in the online business are unclear about which will be the best and most trustable eCommerce platform, as it's not necessary that every eCommerce platform solutions will work well for their bus...
5 Easy Steps to Install eCommerce Magento Theme Manually
In this article, I’ll share easy ways to install the Magento Theme manually. Before we start, let me first guide you through the folder structure which is required to install a new theme template.
Folder structure of Magento
Root ...
Creating custom form in drupal 8
Drupal 8 and Drupal 7 basically have similar API with slight difference. In Drupal 7 form uses the array structure for rendering the data but it has the separate submission and validation function. In Drupal 8 comes with a feature that we can use...
How to create a custom block programatically in Drupal 8
For making a custom block, the steps which are described below are required:
Step 1: In your Drupal 8 folder that you have installed you have a folder named module in that module you have to make a sub-folder named custom.
Magento Event & Observer with Example
Event & observer is one of the most powerful features which we can use in any custom module. Generally, Magento uses a different kind of events which are fired/dispatched by Magento throughout its code base. Each event has class objects (data...
How to Configure Multi-site Feature in Drupal 8 CMS
In Drupal 8 content management system you can run more than one Drupal site by managing the CMS admin and can easily make desired changes in your website to run more than one website using the multisite feat...
How to make custom contact form in drupal 8
Things have changed in drupal 8, rather than a single form, you can now make diverse contact forms. In the standard contact form you have the fields like your name, your email address, subject and message and if you click on the send button it is...
Creating list page of content with the help of view and also search option in drupal 8
HI Druplers, Today I m going to share a very useful code for drupal 8.I am going to create a list of the pages which also have search functionality with any code with the help of drupal most famous module which is view.
Step 1: ...
Twig Template Basics Syntax in D8
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about 'How to use twig syntax in Drupal 8'. These basics of twig syntax will help you to understand:
1. How to print value
2. How to use it with control statement like if, else
How to access variables like arrays or objects in drupal template file?
In the basic twig syntax tutorials we got to know about printing the simple variables like {{ variable }},
but if we need to print an array or object and accessing them.
Lets see how can we do it.
To know the behavior...
Inspect variables in template file in Drupal 8
Lets see how can we discover the dynamic content of any template twig file.
we will use dump(), kint() functions to inspect the variables of the template file.
Each core template contains document at the top in the file ...
Email Set Up in Drupal 8
Email Set Up in Drupal 8 - SMTP module installation & Configuration steps:
Sending email is one the most basic and essential requirement for each website. In drupal also we require to send emails on occurrence of different events e.g. on r...
Custom module to Insert, Update and Delete and also Sorting with pagination
Hello Drupal 8 guys,
I am sharing a custom module which function is to collect a developer data and show list of that data with header sorting and pagination and also used form validation. If Anybody wants to use this module just download the ...
How to Enable Twig debugging options in Drupal 8
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to Enable Twig debugging options in Drupal 8.
To enable twig debugging
1. Go to sites/default/services.yml file
2. Look for services.yml if it doesn't exist then copy it & ...
Call stylesheet only at a particular page in Drupal 8
In Drupal 8, if we are required to add some Stylesheets or JavaScripts in a particular page then to achieve the goal we need THEME.info.yml and THEME.libraries.yml file of our theme.
Lets see how can we achieve it.
In th...
Defining *.info.yml files in Drupal 8 theming
Drupal 8 has come up with flexible and easier manners of theming from its previous versions.
In Drupal 8 theme the first requirement is .info.yml file which contains the meta-data of theme.
This file must be present in your theme folder bec...
Defining CSS and JavaScript files in Libraries in Drupal 8.
Drupal 8 has come up with many significant improvement in theming, which makes theming flexible and easier.
The theming in drupal 8 follows the SMACSS categorization. The scripts, stylesheets and the dependencies are defined in the Libraries in ...
Drupal 8 Theme folder structure
In D8, location of theme moved to /themes, while the core themes moved to /core/themes, not sites/all/theme like Drupal 7. The basic theme structure of D8 Will have sub folder for images,css, js & templates.
This is how the direc...
How to add regions in Drupal 8 theme
This tutorial will guide you about "How to add regions in drupal 8 theme".
To add region in your template file, first you have to define region in your meta data file i.e (themename.info.yml) & then edit page.html.twig file to pr...
How to create simple module in Drupal 8 ?
In Drupal 8, all the custom modules will go in the module folder in the root directory.
Here are the steps to create a simple custom module to print hello world in Drupal 8:
Step 1. Create 'mymodule' folder under modules f...
How to Create an attribute of a product through mysql setup Installer Script ?
In order to create an attribute of a product we can use our mysql setup Installer Script. In the following example we will see how can we do it.
Lets we are required to add an attribute 'Warranty Period' to the products in the group ...
How to create simple product in magento with custom options ?
These are the steps you can follow to create simple products in magento with custom options them
1. Login to Admin menu, go to Catalog -> Manage Products.
2 In the upper-right corner of the Manage Products page,...
How to fetch the custom options and their sub options of any product?
In magento if we need to get the custom options and their sub options of any product we need to write a query and from that result we can extract the options.
Lets see how can we do it:
Firstly, load the product from the...
Different Methods addAttributeToSelect(), addAttributeToFilter() and addFieldToFilter() in Magento
addAttributeToSelect() :
addAttributeToSelect() method is used to select the attributes that we want to retrieve from the database. If we want to load all attributes then we will use addAttributeToSelect('*').
How to browse and show multiple images at the same time in cakephp?
Sometimes we are required to upload multiple images in our CakePHP application and at the same time to show them on that page.
Let's see how we can do it.
In our view file like as we have done in post add file of view. In our form of ty...
How to display Category Dropdown in admin panel through system.xml in magento?
In magento in a module if you're required to create a admin panel tab in which you need to display Category Drop down field through system.xml file in your module, then lets see how we can do it.
1- In the etc folder of the modul...
how to create Bundle Product ?
Steps to describe how to create Bundle Product ?
1. In admin panel click on Catalog->Manage Products.
2. Click on Add Product button.
3. Select (Attribute Set -> default & Product Type -> Bundle Product) from drop ...
Different Product Types in Magento
Hello Readers,
In Magento, There are 6 different types of products available with the appropriate set of features required to sell the product.
By Default product types in Magento are:
Simple Products, Configurable Products, Grouped Produc...
Deploy Local magento to live server
Steps to describe Local magento to live server ?
Copy all of your local files to server
Delete the content of the /var folder
Export magento database from localhost and ...
How to change category page layout ?
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about "How to change category page layout ".
There are different ways to change the category layout in Magento.
1. Change individual category page layout
Login to...
Correct way to add Link to Top Section in Magento
Hello Readers,
In this blog, I’m going to show you the correct way to add an extra link to the existing top links section under Account.
Existing top links are: My Cart, My Account, Checkout, My Wishtlist, Login etc
These Top-links are m...
How to Set & Get Magento Registry?
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about "How to Set & Retrieve Variable in magento registry ". Registry means creating a new global variable which is to be used later in any magento template file (.phtml). Magento registr...
How to call static & custom block directly from phtml file ?
In magento, sometimes you need to call block in magento phtml to get the content of block. Here is an easy way to call static block & custom block in any template file.
1. Call Static block content in magento phtml file.
How To Add Terms and Conditions Checkbox in Checkout Page ?
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about "How To Show Terms and Conditions Checkbox during Checkout Page in magento".
To enable the terms and conditions check box in checkout page, follow the below steps:
1. Lo...
How to set pagination in Joomla with MVC workflow?
Hello Readers,
The below blog shows the pagination in Joomla.
When we use the pagination in Joomla, we require the model and the view to write the code.
Suppose we have a component (com_example).Open the component file (com_example/model...
How to pass data from controller to view in joomla ?
Hello Readers,
The below blog display the data from joomla component controller (C1) to joomla view (V1).
Suppose, we have a data in joomla controller.php and we want to rendered the data in joomla view (for example in component com_mycompo...
How to call the model from one component to another component in Joomla?
Hello Readers,
Below blog shows the call of the model from one component to another component.
For Example - We have a two different components in Joomla :
>> comp1
model: m1
How to hit ajax in joomla module ?
Hello Readers,
Step 1 : First we write the ajax code in default.php file inside module (Ex: mod_mymodule) tmpl/default.php folder.
Code Example :
var id=$(this).val();
How to create the custom plugin in Joomla?
Hello Readers,
This blog shows the basic custom plugin creation in Joomla.
The below are the basic files which is used to create plugin in joomla.
1. myplugin.php
2. myplugin.xml
3. index.html
Step 1 : myplugin.php - myplugin.php is...
Creating the custom module in Joomla
Hello Readers,
This blog shows the basic custom module creation in Joomla.
In Joomla basically, we use the four basic files that used to develop the basic custom module in Joomla:
Step 1 : mod_mymodule.php - mod_mymodule is the first or ...
How to create custom component in joomla ?
Hello Readers,
This blog shows the creation of custom component in Joomla.
Here we show the name of the component (mycomponent) as an example.
Step1: Create the name of the component com_mycomponent inside the Joomla component ...
How to fetch store name and other store details from system configuration in magento
In magento sometimes we need to get the current store details from system configuration for some reference,
Then lets see how can we do it :
1. To get all the stores from magento
for the same we can use
How To Add Custom Field In Magento Contact Form ?
In magento, sometimes you need to add custom field to existing contact form as per client requirement. Here is an easy way to customize magento form by adding new field.
You can also add more fields as per need.
Lets see how can we do it.