Hello Readers
To integrate PayPal in an ios application for future payment , the following steps need to be followed:
Step 1: Download the PayPal ios sdk from the link given below:
Step 2 : Import the "PayPalMobile.h" header file in the ViewController and implement the delegate methods.
In the appdelegate file add the following line of code in
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{
[PayPalMobile initializeWithClientIdsForEnvironments:@{ PayPalEnvironmentSandbox : ClientId}];
where Client id is obtained from the app created on PayPal developer(developer.paypal.com).
Step 3: Send the authorization code recieved to your server for further processing:
- (void)payPalFuturePaymentViewController:(PayPalFuturePaymentViewController *)futurePaymentViewController
didAuthorizeFuturePayment:(NSDictionary *)futurePaymentAuthorization {
NSLog(@"PayPal Future Payment Authorization Success!");
[self sendFuturePaymentAuthorizationToServer:futurePaymentAuthorization];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)payPalFuturePaymentDidCancel:(PayPalFuturePaymentViewController *)futurePaymentViewController {
NSLog(@"PayPal Future Payment Authorization Canceled");
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)sendFuturePaymentAuthorizationToServer:(NSDictionary *)authorization {
// TODO: Send authorization to server
NSLog(@"Here is your authorization:\n\n%@\n\nSend this to your server to complete future payment setup.", authorization);
NSDictionary *temp =[authorization objectForKey:@"response"];
NSString *authcode =[temp objectForKey:@"code"];
metaid=[PayPalMobile clientMetadataID];
NSDictionary *dict;
// Send the authorization code, client metaid , id of the person paying and the person recieving payment and other required parameter
[self serverHitForAuthentication:dict];
Step 4: :Save the refresh token received from the server.(In Utility file)
[Utility saveRefreshToken: refreshToken]
Step 5: If you have the refresh token and you again make any payment , there is no need to send the authorization code and no need to re enter the username and password again.
NSString *token = [Utility getRefreshToken];
if(token.length >0)
// Send the client metaid and id of the person sending and recieving payment and any other required parameter in the dictionary.
[self serverHitForAuthentication:dict];
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