Hello Guys
Here, I write blog for sort JSONArray using alphanumeric string.
Create JSONArray below :
JSONObject jsonObjupdate = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject();
JSONArray jsonArrayupdate=JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray();
for(int i=0;i< 5; i++){
JSONObject obj=jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
jsonObjupdate.put("filesName", i+"bhagwan");
jsonObjupdate.put("showCase", "false");
Sort JSONArray :
JSONArray sortedJsonArray = sortJson(jsonArrayupdate,"filesName");
Following "sortJson" method sort the JSONArray corresponding to "filesName"
private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\D*)(\\d*)");
public JSONArray sortJson(JSONArray jsonArraylab,String type)
final String value=type;
JSONArray sortedJsonArray = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray();
List<JSONObject> jsonValues = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArraylab.length(); i++) {
Collections.sort( jsonValues, new Comparator<JSONObject>() {
//You can change "Name" with "ID" if you want to sort by ID
private final String KEY_NAME = value;
public int compare(JSONObject a, JSONObject b) {
String valA = new String();
String valB = new String();
valA = (String) a.getString(KEY_NAME);
valB = (String) b.getString(KEY_NAME);
Matcher m1 = PATTERN.matcher(valA);
Matcher m2 = PATTERN.matcher(valB);
// The only way find() could fail is at the end of a string
while (m1.find() && m2.find()) {
// matcher.group(1) fetches any non-digits captured by the
// first parentheses in PATTERN.
int nonDigitCompare = m1.group(1).compareTo(m2.group(1));
if (0 != nonDigitCompare) {
return nonDigitCompare;
// matcher.group(2) fetches any digits captured by the
// second parentheses in PATTERN.
if (m1.group(2).isEmpty()) {
return m2.group(2).isEmpty() ? 0 : -1;
} else if (m2.group(2).isEmpty()) {
return +1;
BigInteger n1 = new BigInteger(m1.group(2));
BigInteger n2 = new BigInteger(m2.group(2));
int numberCompare = n1.compareTo(n2);
if (0 != numberCompare) {
return numberCompare;
// Handle if one string is a prefix of the other.
// Nothing comes before something.
return m1.hitEnd() && m2.hitEnd() ? 0 :
m1.hitEnd() ? -1 : +1;
for (int i = 0; i < jsonValues.size(); i++) {
return sortedJsonArray;
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