In c++ inheritance is used in a concept of re-usability of code.In Inheritance there is a super/base class and sub/derived class. The base class act as a parent of the derived class. The derived class can inherit the properties of the base class.
Instead of creating a new class with the same data members and member functions that has been previously defined in a different class, we can simply inherit that class and can reuse those data members and member functions. The existing class from which we are inheriting is called base/super class, and the class which is inheriting the properties is called derived/sub class.This is basically what we called the concept of "reusability of code".
There are 5 types of inheritance available in c++:
1. Single inheritance: a class can have only one parent.
2. Multiple inheritance: a class can have more than one parent.
3. Hierarchical inheritance: a parent class can have more than one child class.
4. Multilevel inheritance: a child class act as a parent for another class.
5. Hybrid inheritance: a combination of other four inheritance.

Syntax of inheritance:
class A
class B : public A <------- class B inherit class A
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