Every organization, irrespective of its size, has some basic requirements as far as the web hosting is concerned. It should have seamless access to a secure and optimum storage facility for maintaining business critical data in addition to a hosted server backed by secure network and premium bandwidth for uninterrupted availability of site’s online presence.
Although, many small and medium sized businesses consider shared hosting services as a preferred choice for maintaining their digital footprint, it has its own drawbacks. Majority of demerits of using shared hosting services are attributed to the sharing of vital resources of a single server by thousands of websites.
This underlines the need to have an uninterrupted access to dedicated resources especially for resource intensive websites. If your website is reeling under the stress of handling huge volumes of traffic, then it is time you considered the option of dedicated server hosting to maintain a robust online presence with an assured availability of server resources.
Unless your website is assured of abundant and exclusive resources, you will not be able to serve large volumes of visitors to implement ambitious expansion plans of your business. Moreover, a dedicated server is free from any interference from other accounts and can be configured as well as secured to meet your business standards.
Key benefits of dedicated server hosting
The most striking advantage of dedicated hosting is server control, which is backed by flexibility of operations. Feature packed websites of businesses must be supported by a robust bandwidth for running multiple custom applications without compromising network uptime. Users can install their choice software applications by leveraging Linux commands or using any appropriate caching software in Widows hosting environment.
Dedicated server hosting is also regarded for excellent scalability to help businesses sustain their growth. Organizations can count on dedicated servers for catering to their growing needs of bandwidth and storage. Unlike shared hosting services, dedicated hosting plans allow ease of adding server capabilities by obviating the need to migrate to new service provider or server environment.
Moreover, in the absence of anti-phishing protocols and anti-spamming regulations your business can enjoy freedom of leveraging scripts or application software and processing of remote applications or wide range of web services to match needs of business.
Dedicated server hosting is a reliable option for businesses that wish to reduce dependability on hosting service providers for maintenance of their mission critical applications. In a dedicated hosting environment, one can have unrestricted access to server operations and resources. You can employ your team of experts to look after all requirements of your business website.
Security is an important aspect of dedicated server hosting service since users are offered superior levels of data protection as compared with shared or VPS hosting setups. You can ensure protection of website and its online files by regularly upgrading security patches in a dedicated server setup.
With a dedicated server, you can avoid interference of other sites that is found to be a common reason for installation of malware and other unwelcome scripts. A dedicated server ecosystem can also be secured by installation of firewall and other applications for assured protection from cyber attacks.
Things to remember while migrating to a dedicated server
You must be careful not to commit some common mistakes while sifting to a dedicated server environment from shared or VPS hosting. The chosen dedicated server must have all necessary features to boost your online business in terms of security and online availability. Failure to do so will result in long terms issues which may cause your business to suffer in terms of conversion rates and revenues.
Clarity of requirements -
Many times it is found that enterprises settle for dedicated server hosting package that offers many features, which may never be needed by the client while missing out on few essential features.
One must attach optimum significance to the list of features being offered by the hosting service provider for their dedicated servers. After all, a dedicated server is supposed to cater to hosting needs of a single enterprise and it should be backed by all valuable aspects that will optimally support specific requirements of particular enterprise.
Significance of support -
If you are able to select a dedicated hosting service that also assures dedicated support to resolve any type of technical glitches at any time of the day, then you will enjoy a flawless hosting support to enhance your web footprint.
In the absence of a competent support facility, your website will suffer from frequent instances of downtime or slow page loading with nobody to look up to for timely technical help.
Assessment of security aspects -
Dedicated server hosting is mainly sought after for performance as well as security. It is observed that web hosts as well as potential clients forget to attach due importance to security while focusing on the performance aspects of web hosting.
One should get in-depth information about all features of security, being provided by the host. While doing this, it is also worth noting down what is amiss. One should not consider any hosting support service without standard level of data center redundancies, monitoring of hardware components, security scanning, and consistently upgraded DDoS protection.
Reputed and established data center service providers lay a great emphasis on physical security by designing robust protection of armed guards, CCTV monitoring, and so forth.
Never hand over all server controls -
It is not a very good idea to abandon all controls of dedicates server unless there is a strong justification for the same. In some of the hosting packages, users are expected to give up all control of dedicated server hosting. Ideally, one must analyze server aspects that are required for customization and keep controls of such functionalities while letting the host take care of the rest.
The most important aspect of dedicated server hosting is the control over hosting of mission critical website. It is the most feature rich version among all types of hosting. Organizations can employ a wide array of dedicated servers for supporting individual applications or tasks. You can have individual dedicated servers to act as a dedicated web server, or application server, or for streamlining of a diverse server portfolio.
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