How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to add a video as background of your website
While designing a web page our main motto is to design the web page beautiful and attractive with the help of CSS.
Here is one more option i.e to add a video in the background of a webpage to make it more attractive and beautiful.
File validation using javascript
File Validator is a function used when we want to restrict the type of file uploaded.
Using File validator we can easily get file Info for each file uploaded.
If uploaded file is not as per the required format a validator func...
Understanding $emit, $broadcast in AngularJS with example
The services yield by Anjularjs which can be utilized for communication based on event between controllers are $on, $emit, and $broadcast. These are under the publish/subscribe design pattern of angularjs i.e. you can publish an event somewhere a...
Create amazing charts and graphs with angular-fusion-charts
In this post, you will learn how to use fusion charts and graphs in angular. There is a plugin for using fusion charts in angularjs. you can add this plugin and use it for web or mobile applications.
Features of this plugin:
It will add ...
How to crop images using Angularjs with example
In this post you will learn about cropping images using Image Crop directive in AngularJS. This directive provides you the feature to crop any image in a circle or square shape.
You just need to have angularjs to use this directive. To start wit...
How to use modal popup in Angular UI Bootstrap
Angular UI Bootstrap provides $uibModal service to create modal windows. Before using this you need to create a template, controller and reference them with $uibModal service.
It has only one method i.e. open(options).
$uibModal's open ...
Transition of a div on click event using Jquery with demo
Hello friends,
If you want to make an animation like transition on your multiple views or If you want to slide your view i.e. your DIV element from one to another, you can use the following code.
In this we have all the content in...
How to restrict a list of domain name in Email validation using JS with demo
If you want to validate your email field with a list of domain name and normal email validation, then we can do that with the help of following code:
<div class="form">
<input id="emailAdd" type="text" onkeyup="emailVal()...
Image Flipping Effect By Css
Flipping Image can be extremely valuable these days. The most basic use-case for flipping images that I can consider would incorporate some sort of image on the front, and some data related to it on its back.
By using below code we can u...
Responsive table using CSS3 and HTML5
We can easily create the table responsive using CSS3 and HTML5 thats makes our table more readable on small screen without the use of javascript.
In my example ,I had simply used the table tags such as <table></table>, <thead>...
How to fetch data from one table in cakephp
Suppose we have a table name employees in which a number of employees are there.
javascript:How to remove element of an array
This post is in the continuation with my previous post in which i had discussed about inserting mutliple values in an array using different method as per requirements and in this post i will discuss about removing elemen...
List of phonegap addEventListener
In phonegap application there are many events that can be used and for these events the application code may add a listeners.
Lets take an example to evaluate this thing:
<title>Events Ex...
Image into base64 dataurl using javascript with demo
Converting image in base64 data url reduces the count of HTTP request and will increase the performance of the website because the load time to transfer data over the internet is too long and it will save the server request time.
There are man...
How to add html tags in appSettings of web.config file
Sometime we require a condition where we need to add html tags in <appSettings> value.
If we directly add html tags in value then it gives the syntax error. To resolve this we need to add html tags in encoded form.
Here, below is th...
How to make the Zooming of the web page disabled?
On viewing the responsive website in our mobile device, the responsiveness of the website can be maintained via @media queries but on double click to the web page it will make a zoom effect in the device and than the horizontal scroll will appear...
Manual and Automatic bootstrapping in AngularJS
In Javascript framework like AngularJS there is a bootstrapping process involved and there are certain flow that is involved in it.
There are two types bootstrapping involved in AngularJS:
Automatic bootstrapping
Manual Bootstrapping
How to use counter increment in CSS
If you want to increase the counter of the listing we can do that easily with the help of counter increment using CSS.
This can be used like an variable in javascript and you just have to increment the value of the variable using CSS rules and...
What is MVC architecture in Angular JS
MVC is Model-View-Controller architecture designed for web development. It has three main parts:
In angular the way we organize things is different from the others in javascript.
Model: Model contains all the information that is responsible f...
Routing in AngularJs with demo
AngularJs is basically used for the single page application with multiple views.
For this we will be using ng-view directive and certain code of AngularJS to make it possible for you to make multiple view.
Here is a code:
How to integrate share on twitter button on website
Hello Reader's if you are developing product shopping based web portal in which you want to integrate the twitter tweet button, then this blog is very helpful to you.
To integrate the twitter tweet button you have to follow some step ...
How to make facebook share button on website?
Hello Reader's if you are developing the Ecommerce based website in which you want to integrate the facebook sharing option, then this blog is very helpful to you.
So lets start with the html doc.
To get Facebook sharing first you...
How to make only digits validation for textbox using Jquery
Hello Reader's! if you are making the html form in which some textbox you only want as taking the digits only. Then in this blog you can learn how to make this digit type validation. Since now most of the website are providing the frontend ty...
How to show show the text data from a file into website using ajax
Hello Reader's if you are making the website in which you have to fetch and show the content data from an external file then in this blog you can see how to do it. In web technologies different technologies offers you many ways to do this but...
How to set fomr action on two submit buttons using Jquery
Hello Readers, if you are developing the html form with two or more submit buttons then in this blog you can learn it. On certains conditions a html form should have multiple submit buttons and both should redirect user to their individual ...
Bootstrap Navbar Menu without Javascript
The navbar menu is used in header or footer and in many cases in the content also. It is responsive by default in bootstrap and take size according to screen size.
The navbar get collapsed in case of small devices like mobile phones and there is...
Disabling the text selection with the help of css
In many cases we do not want that the user can select the text of the website for privacy reason.
Using CSS property, we can restrict user to do so.
Here is the code below:
.disable-selection {
-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefo...
How to disable back button of the browser using javascrpt
There are many cases where we have to disable the back button of the browser.
Here, the following code will help you to make your back button disable.
<body onload="disableBackOnLoad(); ">
Now the back button is disabled
Responsive menu
i am sharing a simple responsive menu code i.e html and css which you can use whenever you want to create a responsive menu.
<div id='Responsivemenu'>
<li class='first'><a href='#'><span&...
Implementing Slider with Angular UI Bootstrap
To create slider with angular UI, carousel is used as it is same as bootstrap's image carousel. But It also supports swiping in the touch devices. ngTouch is used to enable the swiping in the touch devices. We have to load ngTouch module as a...
How to add, remove and check the class using angularJS
We can add, remove or check classes through our angular code:
The following is the syntax for adding a class and the corresponding CSS related to that class:
<div ng-app="addRemove" ng-controller="myCtrl"&g...
How to populate options in select in angularjs with example
The dynamically generated option in the select box with angularjs is done with the following code :
We can populate the options inside the select box and on selecting any value from the select box it reflect to some event. It will sh...
CSS:Animation effect
i am sharing an example of css animation effect in which the basic concept of this animation is an easing function which is used here to show cubic bezier effect which is providing the movement of image .
here's the...
Javascript:Exchanging data between a document in an iframe and a parent document.
I am providing a very simple javascript code by which we can access variables and invoke functions in the parent document and vice-versa.
Please go through the given example below and understand the concept.I hope it will be...
How to change data on changing the option box
Hello Reader's if you are looing to develop the html form which changes the data on changing the values in option box, then in this blog you can see how it is done.
To making this form we will start from html file. And its code will go like this...
How to add a favicon icon to your site?
Hello Readers! Here is a small blog giving you a brief introduction on the favicon icons. So, what is favicon icon? Why we use it? Well Favicon is a small logo which is found in the title bar with the name of the of the visited URL , and it is us...
In html we use list attribute for arranging data in the form of list.
Their are two types of list in html.
Ordered List
Unordered List
If we want to put our data in numbered form rather than bullets then ordered list wil...
When we want to take(collect) information from user or those who are visiting site, for this purpose html forms are use.
for eg:- for user registration in any social site, we want to collect his personal information like his name,last name, ema...
If we want to print data in the form of table in html we use TABLE tag. Table contain rows and columns.
For creating rows in table we use
tr tag with in table tag.
For creating columns in table we use
td tag with in tr tag.
@media Screen
Media rule in CSS is very attractive way to define different style rules for various types of screens(tablets/mobile screen) Media queries look at the capability of the device and be used to check various things:
Height and Width of the ...
HTML5 elements
HTML5 is having new elements, which helps the developer to make their document in the form that can be easily understood. By using HTML5 elements there is no need to use <div> again and again. This makes our work easier by using less number...
How to make simple ToDo section in javascript
Hello Reader's if you need to develop the todo section in your website where user can create the lists and mark then when they are complete. Then Javascript is the best option for you.
Lets see it's working code as below:-
The html file will ...
How to make Login and Signup in a single template
Hello Reader's if you are making the resposive website then you can make login and signup in same desing template.
Then you just have to create a front page in html and use the following code:-
<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-...
How to make switch between thumb and list view using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you are making the website and you want to create a switch which convert thumb view into listing and listing view in thumb view then you take the help from the code as below:-
Here is the html page and code will go like this:...
How to make selected menu using Angular JS
Hello Reader's if you want to show user the menu which he selects then you can use the code below. This code is written in Angular JS
<div id="main" ng-app>
<!-- The navigation menu will get the value of the "active" vari...
How to make drag an drop in website
Hello Reader's if you want to use drag and drop feature in website then you can use the code as below:-
First create file drag.html and paste the following code in it.
<img id="source" src="../files/images/yourimage.jpg...
How to draw shapes using HTML5 tag
Hello Reader's! in this blog you will learn how to draw the shapes and figure using just html5 tags.
In html 5 you can draw some basic shape like square and rectangle and circles. Let's see some of them no
<svg width="300" height="100">...
How to write using custom font in HTML
Hello Reader's if you want to write special heading in the custom way in web page then you can use the custom html function as below:-
This function will take the font face and size from user and generate the given text into a picture.
How to insert special symbols in HTML
Hello Reader! If you are new to web desingning and you need to insert some special symbols in your web page then this blog is very helpful for you.
You might have seen copyright symbol , This type of symbol will only generate if you insert their...
How to put all the links target to sections of home
Hello readers if you want a single page website in which all the pages and links will be the sections of Home page. By using the bootstrap you can make it. Here you can see my code working as single page website.:-
<!DOCTYPE html>