Responsive Web Design and Responsive Frameworks
In this session, we will learn about Responsi
by rakesh.pant -
HTML5 Responsive Design - ViewPort Meta Tag (Part 3)
Hi again, In this article, we’re goi
by rakesh.pant -
HTML5 Responsive Design - Media Queries (Part 2)
In the previous session, we learnt the basic
by rakesh.pant -
HTML5 Responsive Design - Media Queries (Part 1)
Overview Media Queries, a mainstay of Resp
by rakesh.pant
CSS Counters
CSS Counters:
CSS counters are similar to variable in a programming language. Counter values are incremented by rules define in CSS. Variables are required to manipulate counter value are as follows:
counter-reset - This variable is used...
CSS Radial gradient property
This blog is continuation with my previous blogs in which i had discuss about type of css gradient properties,
In this blog i am going to share how to use css radial gradient property in different ways.
Go through the following exam...
How to create paper curls on hover using css?
Hello Readers!
In this blog post, we are trying something really interactive. Ever seen your notebook pages fold from the corners? Or did you just anytime fold it purposely to return to that page without much searching? Here’s the same t...
Notification Badge using in CSS
Hello Readers
Notification Badge is the most important part of the webpage. You have probably seen notification badges somewhere, such as on Ecommerce sites, and Social Media Sites like: Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn etc.
So, in this tutorial...
Types of Divider
Hello Reader
This blog post will tell you how to make different types of divider between two HTML elements. There are total 10 dividers I will be providing here. The very first is a single line divider which we most commonly use. The second d...
How to create simple Chatbox Speech Bubble
Hey all!
This blog post is about creating simple chatbox speech bubbles. There are 4 separate classes. One for the chatbox conversation, second for the speech bubble, third and fourth for the two persons interacting respectively. The spe...
CSS Linear gradient property
This blog is continuation with my previous blogs in which I had discuss type of CSS gradient properties,
In this blog i am going share how to use css linear gradient property in different ways.
Go through the following examples below...
Shapes of CSS
Hello Readers!
In this blog post, let us learn how to create simple shapes that can be made even simpler using CSS. I am providing the code for 5 shapes we might be using then and now. Note that, all of the figures below use only a single HTML...
Speech Bubbles on hover
Hello Readers
If you want to create speech bubbles using css3, here is the code that will help you.
This blog post will tell you how to make CSS speech bubble without using any image. You need a <div> element. Though I’m u...
Using CSS gradient property in background
In this blog i am going share how to use css gradient property to increase visual appeal of your webpage.
Go through the example below to learn how we can apply gradient property in background of any html tags in different ways.
CSS gra...
CSS Parallax
Hello Readers!
Have you ever looked out of a car window while driving and noticed how fast the electricity poles move by, while the mountains in the background move really slowly. This is what we say, parallax motion, in real.
For a long ti...
Custom Checkbox and Radio Button
Hello all, In this blog today, I am going to show u how with the help of CSS, We can easily create custom checkbox and radio buttons. Following is the HTML and CSS code, which shows how to create your own checkbox and radio button.
Disable dragging of ghost image in CSS
Hey Readers!
Images are used in web pages to make them look more interactive and appealing. We must have surely noticed a thing about images. When you click on an image and drag it, there is a semi-transparent image that follows the mouse till...
Vertically center align text in CSS
Hello Readers.
Center aligning text obviously gives it a more appealing look. Horizontal center align is what we do each day. But when it comes to vertical center align, things get a bit messed up. This too is easier with a single word o...
How can I install LESS?
LESS is a css pre processor which extends the css language with some additional new features like declaring variables, mixins, functions and other techniques that allow us to make CSS more maintainable and extendable.
Shadow with Glow Transition
Hello Readers
Box-shadow is a very interesting property of CSS3. It gives a glowing and blurring effect to the HTML elements. Box-shadow when used differently gives different visually appealing results. Some of them have been shown here. I hav...
CSS Triangle
Hello Readers.
CSS gives us the freedom to draw many shapes and figures. But a triangle is one, that particularly amazes me. A triangle is made in 5 easy steps.
Imagine a box with borders on all four sides with equal width. Notice how th...
CSS image zoom effect
Hey Readers,
This is a fun image zooming effect. Zooming an image gives a closer look to it. Zoom effect can be achieved with CSS too. To zoom an image, we first specify the dimensions of the original image (optional) and then give the d...
When to use img or CSS background image?
Hello Readers.
There are situations when we have to decide to use either an <img> tag or a background-image. But then we think of the same visual outcome and choose at random among the two. Let us learn about the two and the ...
How to remove the dotted outline around anchor links?
Hello Readers.
Anchor links (<a>'s), when become ‘active’ or ‘focused’, get a dotted outline around them. This is a default styling. Also, the color of the outline is the same as the color of the text.
One ...
Changing the text color inputs placeholder
The placeholder attribute is a default text inside an input box. It usually appears in light gray color. It gives a short hint to the user describing the expected value in that input field. This hint appears in the field e...
How to make a text unselectable in an HTML page?
Hey people!
We developers, deal with HTML pages every second. Every HTML UI essentially has some text elements. It is very easy for a user to double-click this text and select it. And this makes them look bad. To solve the same, CSS pres...
Add shadow around the text
Hello Reader
This blog will helps you to draw a shadow around the individual character same( like border ). We can use webkit stroke method but webkit disappears in other browsers!. It will set text color, stroke color and set 1px offset .
Basic differences between Margin and Padding
Hey Readers!
This blog post will hopefully clear your doubts regarding the difference between CSS 'margin' and 'padding' properties.
CSS Margin: The CSS margin property is used to specify the space around HTML elements . It ...
An overview of Bootstrap Grid System
Bootstrap is one of the most popular front-end frameworks. In this blog post, I will be discussing one of the most important concepts in Bootstrap: The Grid System.
In web design, grids organise and structure content, and make the websites eas...
A simple home structure using CSS
Hello Readers!
This blog post will show you a really simple "home" structure. We all must've drawn such homes at some time in our childhood days, but it gets even easier with CSS. The position - absolute and relative, have the ma...
One image changes to another, on hover
Hello, readers.
This blog post will tell you how to get one image in place of the other on hover. The height and width of the images are 100% and the position is given absolute. Due to this, one image appears behind the other. The second thing...
An Overview To The Position Property In CSS
Hello reader's ,In todays blog we will discuss about the position property used in CSS.
Basically the position property specifies which type of positioning method used for an element such as static, relative, absolute or fixed.
Multiple Ways To Create Equal Height Columns Using CSS
Hello reader's , Today in my blog I will discuss about multiple ways to create equal height columns using CSS.
As working over some website , I found an issue related to the equal height of columns .
To resolve this ...
Social Icons With Hover Effect Using CSS
Hello readers , In today's blog we will discuss about the Social Icons .
As we all are linked to the social media which help us to communicate over a vast social network and we can even share video, images, documents, file etc ov...
How to add divider with Icons using css
If you want to add divider between two div or in between your content, then code below will help you:
First we will create the div between the content or we can say that between two paragraph like <p> </p> div <p>&...
A Responsive Menu With Hover Effect
Hello, readers . In today's blog, I have created A Responsive Menu which when we hover over the menu items it covers the area of the hovered item with a different color.
For creating the navigation menu , I need to create an unor...
drop down menu with nested submenus using css
If u want to create a horizontal menu with a submenu, code below is help you.
In below first, we will remove padding and margin from first level and second level menu.
We will style up first level list item and here we will use fl...
Show background transition effect on hover
If you want to change width and height to the box and show the content after a transition on hover, below code will help you.
We can easily use the transition property and change the width and height to the div, for this first we will create t...
Change background image and display content on over effect
If you want to change background image and display content on hover effect this code will help you.
lets say if you want to show a content only when you move a cursor on an image div, and when image changes it will display the content or ...
How to align an elements center horizontally and vertically?
If you want to align your text to be centered inside the box from both side (horizontally and vertically) you can do this very easily, this below example will helps you.
<div class="contentbox">
<p>This is ...
Responsive table using CSS3 and HTML5
We can easily create the table responsive using CSS3 and HTML5 thats makes our table more readable on small screen without the use of javascript.
In my example ,I had simply used the table tags such as <table></table>, <thead>...
How to use counter increment in CSS
If you want to increase the counter of the listing we can do that easily with the help of counter increment using CSS.
This can be used like an variable in javascript and you just have to increment the value of the variable using CSS rules and...
Centering element Vertically and Horizontally using Flexbox
Now this is the issue that we were facing form a long time. To align an element center horizontally we have been using margin: 0 auto and to align an element center vertically is even more difficult. But with the use of flexbox it is very easy.
Media Query
Media query is css technique that is being introduce in css3.
It is used to set the css and display the page properly when seen on the different screen size.
It uses $media rule to include a block of the css only if a certain condidtion is ...
How to create a sliding background image?
To show the image sliding ion background i have used two DIV here one act as a wrapper and another contains the background image that slides.
In the .wrapper div i have added "overflow:hidden" property that will make this div to hide...
Disabling the text selection with the help of css
In many cases we do not want that the user can select the text of the website for privacy reason.
Using CSS property, we can restrict user to do so.
Here is the code below:
.disable-selection {
-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefo...
How to eliminate render-blocking CSS?
I was facing issue related with speed optimization of the web page. When there are many css on a single page, or have large size of css file then it makes your website slow. I am using Google PageSpeed insights to improve my site's performanc...
How to make slide check box in html using CSS?
Hello Reader's if you are looking for slider design of checkbox then this blog will be helpful to you.
Lets see how to make checkbox with slider desing.
First we will create the html file and it's code will go like this:-
Apply Ribbon at corner of a Box
Hello readers here is a simple line of code that will give your page a new look using a corner ribbon tag... it will help you to add ribbon aside of your working area by using pure CSS code. You can use this code whenever you want to display som...
:nth-child in css
The :nth-child selector in CSS code is here it will allow you to select one or more elements according to the formula. It is used to style content based on parent and child relationship.
:nth-child iterates throughs elements from the top ...
Readability of rows in a large table is hard to read and understand but it can be easily verified by using even odd concept.
Following Table have 7 row and 6 columns. The number of eve...
Future of web designed is RWD:-
RWD:RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGNED is making the elements and pages responsive for all devices.
A responsive website consist of CSS3, ,media queries and @media rule, flexible images, flexible videos, and fluid type, all of which allow responsive websi...
z-index in CSS
Z-index Definition:-
z-index property specifies stack order of any element or it only works for the positioning of an element i.e when position is absolute, relative and fixed.The vale of Z-index mostly used -1, 0 ,1
-1 is used for the pos...
How to give 2D or 3D effects to HTML element.
Hello Readers!
If you wish to give your HTML elements an effect this an be achieved by using css transform property. The CSS transform property allows us to visually manipulate an element by rotating, skewing, translating, or scaling. This pr...