How to create scrollbars in Unity3D
Scrollbar in Unity3D Scroll bars let a user cho
by inder.singh
Login Scene With Unity3D
Most of the Apps or Games required Login scene.
Login in any App or Game should be secure from the hackers.
Today I am going to show how you can use Login in Unity3D.
It is secure and very fast process for the login.
private string url...
Read/Write able paths on Unity iOS and Android
Read/Write able paths on Unity iOS and Android
Most of the users are always worried about the path on which they can write data at runtime.
Sometimes we need to save screen shorts, or text files in our game or app.
So there I am going to g...
NGUI: Custom Atlas
NGUI: Create Custom Atlas
When we install NGUI in our game it contains some built in Atlas such as - Fantasy, Refractive, SciFi, Wooden. We use them to create buttons, image buttons, progress bar, popup list, scroll bar etc., in which we can o...
Call JavaScript function from C# in Unity3D
Call JavaScript function from C# in Unity3D
Mostly developer use a particular language to do code in Unity3D.
But some times you need to use two types of Scripts. At same point you also may required to call vise a versa functions
of both scr...
Important Unity 3D Components
Unity 3D has number of useful tools which makes our game development easy and interactive,which we use through IDE.Some of the major components we will be using throughout game development in Unity include:
1)Toolbar-It remains at the top of...
Instantiating Prefabs at runtime
From my previous blog,we all know that what prefabs are. Now,I want to explain how we instantiate prefabs and what are its advantages.
public class preafabDemo : MonoBehaviour
var ball:GameObject;
// Use this for ini...
Player Settings for Android in Unity3D
When we build our project to see how it looks, we need to set the Player Settings-
Today I'll describe you the Player Settings for Android
After building the project in Android
Go To Edit->Project Settings-> Player
Following Playe...
2D Games with Unity3D
2D Games with Unity3D
Gaming is becoming more powerful and popular in these days. As we know Unity is basically used for 3D games but it also provides the feature to build the 2D games.
Orthello is the most common and powerful tool for the...
NGUI Features
Features of NGUI :
Easy to implement
Written in optimized c#
It supports iOS, Android and Flash plateform
Intigrated with Unity Inspector.
Quick add template widget using Widget Tool
Every widget is an object as other in Unity.
UI issues in Unity3D
Unity UI Issues with respect to Platforms
Unity works on the GUI, GUI-Textures for the buttons and labels. Which causes many issues when we shift from one
screen size to another. Either you need to write your code according to percentage or ...
Add Sound in Unity3D
An AudioSource is attached to the GameObject to play sounds in a 3D environment. To play the sounds we need an AudioListener.
The Audio Listener acts as a microphone-like device. It receives input from an Audio Source in the scene and plays sou...
Colliders in Unity3D
Colliders and its events-
Colliders work with Rigidbodies to bring physics in Unity to life.Rigidbodies allow objects to be controlled by physics. Colliders allow objects to collide with one another.
It is necessary that when two bodies with ...
How to use prefabs in Unity 3D
What are Prefabs-
A Prefab is a reusable Game Object stored in Project View . We can have prefabs in number of scenes or multiple times per scene. Adding a prefab in our game is creating an instance of it. All Prefab instances are linked to th...
Memory Management for Unity3D
Many a times while developing a game in unity3D we encounter issues like crashing in between the game play due to low memmory warnings. This is because the game is consuming unexpectedly high memmory. Developers not usually think of this while de...
How to Develop an Android Game in Unity3D
When we create our game, we might want to see how it looks when we build and run it outside of the editor as a standalone or web player. Today, I will explain how to access the Build Settings and how to create different builds of your games.
How to create scrollbars in Unity3D
Scrollbar in Unity3D
Scroll bars let a user choose the direction and distance to scroll through information in a related window or list box.
Scrollbars are very common on all languages..
In Unity we can also build our own scrollbars. It...
Incorporate Progress Bar in Unity3D
How to make a progress bar in Unity3D Game
Calling LoadLevelAsync like TheDarkVoid suggested will start the loading process. You could put it in a coroutine so other parts of the game can keep running. It returns an AsyncOperation.
Unity3D: Moving an Object with Keyboard Input
Today we're going to take a first look at the Unity3D game development engine. This engine is pretty easy to use and has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It supports multiple languages (including C#, JavaScript ,Boo) .
1) The first ...
HUD (Head Up Display) in Unity
HUD (Head Up Display)
A head-up display or heads-up displayalso known as a HUDis any transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. The origin of the name stems from a pilot being able ...
Building AssetBundles
AssetBundles let you stream additional assets via the WWW class and instantiate them at runtime.Note that bundles are not fully compatible between platforms. A bundle built for any of the standalone platforms (including webplayer) ca...