How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Hands-up Notification Android
Hand-Up notification comes up with API level 21.
Hands-up notification is open small floating window on top of the screen only when device is active.
Hand-up notifications are High-priority notifications.Hands-up notification required to set ...
How to make Flip animation image in android?
In the below example code, I have set the animation to an ImagView when you clicks on image, image will rotate 180 degrees from Y axis. Here first, I have added an ImageView within actvity_main.xml layout, after that I have created a flip.x...
ProgressBar in Notification Android
Sometime we need to download large file from server or some progress which takes time. For user experience we show progress bar so that user can check estimate time and progress completion.
This blog is about how to set up Progress bar in No...
Integrate Splunk MINT in an android project
Splunk MINT is used to send crash report of your mobile application.
After integrating Splunk MINT SDK in your application, you can use Splunk MINT Management Console to monitor your mobile apps.
Follow the simple steps to integrate...
Methods to monitor android EditText
If you have to perform certain tasks before, after and during the text changes in android EditText the following methods will help you to monitor your operations. Implementing the Textwatcher interface provides the callback methods listed below, ...
Accessing another apps by listing installed applicatoins in android
This tutorial is for getting the list of installed apps in your android devices. The information we reterive with the currently installed apps in a device using PackageManager class. We will get the instance of this class by calling getPack...
Navigation Activites on Deep Linking andorid
This blog is about Navigation of application activities. When an Activity is opened with Deep Linking then pressing back button close application instead of working in normal backstack flow.
If you are not familiar with Deep Linking then pleas...
Reduce APK Size
Hello Readers !!
Today I will explain to you how you can reduce the size of the APK file.
We need to take care following points when we create a build so that APK size should be small.
Device Filter:- This is a ver...
Big View Notification Android
This tutorial is about Big View of Notification.
Big View notification introduced in Android 4.1.
Big View Notification has advantage to set functionality from Notification like you Alarm application
and you can Dismiss/Snooze alarm ...
How to use Chronometer in Android?
Below example code will helps you to create Chronometer. For this firstly, In activity_main.xml layout I have added buttons and Chronometer layout. Now See MainActivity, here I have used start(), stop(), SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()), setFormat(...
Clean cache of all applications below API 23 Android
This blog is for cleaning cache of all application using Reflection on below API leve 23 i.e Marshmallow.
1. Create Project.
2. Create package in root folder with name android.content.pm.
3. Create aidl file int this package with name IP...
Get Cache Size of Apps Android
This tutorial is about getting internal cache size for all applications. There is no such API is available in android because of Security reasons.
So we will get cache size of all apps with Reflection.
Here we start:-
How to get data from assets file in android?
In the below example I have described how to get data from assets folder. Firstly I have created txt.json file in assets folder. In txt.json file I have added JSON data. Now See In MainActivity code I have created loadJSONFromAsset() method, in t...
Getting RAM Details Android.
This Blog is about RAM detail that Total Ram size your Android Device and used Ram size in your Android Device.
From API level 16 Android gives properties to get Ram information.
In this tutorial I will explain to get RAM size for...
How to test listview click event using TDD in android ?
We know that test driven development is basically for functional testing , in this blog we will test listview using instrumentation method runOnMainSync() that executes a call on application main ui thread.
here is the layout file :
How to integrate google analytics in Android Application
Are you interested in tracking your Android app activities? If yes, Google Analytics provides a service for which real time tracking of Activities, fragments, events, exceptions and crash reports can be done easily.
Steps to integrate Google A...
How to Use Deep Linking in Android?
In the below example code I have enabled deep linking. Let's consider, you have shared your app in social network like, Gmail, Facebook, Whatsapp etc. When users click on the link you shared then your app will open, if it's installed in h...
How to change Image icon of NotificationCompat.Builder?
Please help me.
How can I change Image icon of NotificationCompat.Builder?
Please see the screenshot attached?
List and Detail of all installed application Android
There is multiple ways to get installed application information like PackageInfo and ApplicationInfo.
In this tutorial I will show both way to get All installed applications.
Step 1:- get Package Manager In...
How to expand and collapse header/toolbar in android
1. Coordinator Layout: Coordinator layout is the super set of frame layout. Expanding and contracting of header/toolbar to gain more view for the main content. As per the property of frame layout it can have multiple child views but the additiona...
Hello All ,
As health concerns are growing up here comes a basic idea how to create a pedometer app, This blog will guide to create a pedometer and manipulate its setting to get the accuracy of foot steps, you...
TDD to test android activity
Test driven development is basically a procedure to achieve actual functionality or goal. This is also called in short TDD. This process contains following steps that are :
Write test cases
Run ...
Perform different operations using package name in android
1) If your requirement is to get app icon from package name then below few lines of code will be helpful for you.
Drawable app_icon = getPackageManager().getApplicationIcon("PACKAGE_NAME");
Convert bytes to human readable form Android Java
Convert bytes data to human readable form.
1. I initialized the byte with random number;
long bytes = 123456;
2. Initialize String[] of data types.
String[] types = {"kb", "Mb", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"};
3. initial...
Water Reflection to Image Android
This blog is about how to create water reflection image.
1. Create android Project.
2. Activity layout file is look like :-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/...
FlexBox layout in android
In the below example I have describes "how to use FlexBox layout". FlexboxLayout extends the ViewGroup like relative layout and linear layout. You can add different attributes to the flexlayout like flexDirection, flexWrap, justif...
How to get the debug or Signed SHA1 fingerprint for Android Application in Ubuntu
SHA-1 fingerprint is used for creating a digital certificate, either debug certificate and released certificate. Debug certificate is when application is in testing phase and released when ready to be in a live mode. Fingerprint is a hexadecimal ...
How to generate keyhash for Android App(Facebook integration)
If you need to integrate Facebook SDK in your android app you have to generate keyhash, to configure Facebook API console. Add this method to your utility class and call this method from onCreate() of any Activity. For digital data integrity and ...
How to get all accoutns registered in device ?
Sometimes it is required to get all the accounts registered in device like facebook , gmail, linkedin account as well as whatsapp account.
Account Manager provides list of all centralized account of device.
First of all we can have the inst...
Scan document like CS Scanner using OpenCV and NDK
In my last blog I have written about how to use Jhansi Karee's Android Scanning library.
This blog is about how you can use/modify library code according to your requirement.
I am assuming that you are already familiar...
How to auto-restart app after Crash/Force close in Android
In this tutorial, we will learn about how to handle exceptions manually in android using UncaughtExceptionHandler and how to restart app after exceptions. Some of the cases App gets crashed or situations like force close. Thread.setDefaultUncaugh...
Clear Application Cache Programatically.
Clear Cache Programatically
Hello All,
This is a simple tutorial to clear cache of your application, Sometimes there is need in our application to store some of the files on device cache and we don have the choice to move them to SD c...
Bar code scanner using Zxing library
There are too many libraries available to read qr code like Zbar and zxing library. Here we are showing how to use Zxing lib to scan qr code :
First of all add dependency in app gradle file :
compile 'me.dm7.barcodescanner:zxing:...
How to read or sync only newly added smses ?
Basically we sync all the smses everytime when user do login in our app but this is time consuming task to do all the time so it would be better and effective if we sync only new smses after last sync.
so basically for the first time we have...
How to read or sync only newly added contact ?
Basically we sync all the contact everytime when user do login in our app but this is time consuming task to do all the time so it would be better and effective if we sync only new contact after last sync.
so basically for the first time we ha...
Scan document like CS Scanner
This blog is about sample application for Scanning documents like CamScanner.
Jhansi Karee has published library and demo project like CamScanner develop with OpenCv and NDK.
if you want only scan image and getting result t...
How to get crash report using Splunk Mint in Android App
Features of Splunk Mint:-
1) Monitoring slow transactions(track process) from start to finish.
2) Track user activity and events
3) Generate exception logs that occured in app.
4) Debug messages based on platform.
5) Examining errors by part...
Binding data with the layout
Typically, to bind data with the layout i.e with the UI fields we access the view elements in the activity using findViewById() method and then set the values to the views.
This sometimes becomes quite cumbersome when there are large no. of view...
How to handle the click event in android RecyclerView
Listview has the callbacks for single click and long click, but the new concept RecyclerView haven't such things like setOnItemClickListener and setOnItemLongClickListener.
RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener is the key of working with Sing...
My listview not returning me to my DetailActivity.class when I'm clicking an item on listview
I am having trouble with my ListView. It always sends me back to my login page whenever I press an item on the list. It supposed to go to the details page.
Home Activity
package com.example.kun.carcarkila;
import android.content....
Installing Blackberry plug-in for Android Studio
With Blackberry plug-in you can package the android apps for blackberry devices i.e can convert .apk applications files to .bar files which are compatible with the blackberry phones.
Also you can debug the applications using ADB proxy manager to...
Create tap on image animation like facebook
In the below example I have created a animation ImageView. When user click the image , then image will appear on full screen, after this when user tab again on image it will be Zoomout like a facebook image tab.
Here In activity_main.xml ...
count pixels under each finger in multi touch in android
Hello I need to count pixels that are covered by each fingers in multi-touch.When fingers down one by one it should plus pixels in count and finger up it should subtract pixels of that finger.I have did this but it is not getting exact counts i d...
Lag in receiving packets from ble device
I am using a ble device which send me data packet every second in onCharacteristicChanged() method. But the problem is, the above method not called every second as expected and there is a random milliseconds delay. I searched a lot on googl...
Saving objects into SharedPreferences
To Save Object values into SharedPreferences, you can use GSON library.
To save objects follow these steps:
Add Gson library dependency in your Gradle (App Level):
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.code....
Circular ImageView
Use the following Java class to create a custom circular ImageView
public class CircleImageView extends ImageView {
private static final ScaleType SCALE_TYPE = ScaleType.CENTER_CROP;
private static final Bitmap....
3D and 2D rotation of a view
Rotating a view in a 2D plane
To rotate a view, we'll create a animation object from a xml file.
First, create a anim folder in /res directory.
Then right-click on the /res directory then navigate to new -> Animation resourc...
How to make Grid View animation in android
By using below code I have implemented GridView animation in android. When you click on any image On Grid View, Image will zoom like popup. In below Adapter class I have used Animator class and I have created a zoomImageFromThumb method for zoomi...
Restricting a View to parentbottom when keyboard appears.
Hello all readers. In this blog,I am going to tell you how to restrict a particular view (Relative or Linear) to be always at parent bottom of your activity even when the keyboards appears.
Lets us first look at the xml, activity_mai...
Basics of LocalBroadcastManager
If you want to send broadcasts within your application, LocalBroadcastManager is a more suitable option than sending global broadcast as:
1. The broadcasts sent by LocalBroadCastmanager can only be recieved inside the application s...