Comparison of Exception Handling in C++ and Java
In C++ and Java, keywords like try,catch and throw for exception handling are same,their meaning is also same but exception handling in C++ and Java differ in many ways.
1)In Java only instances of subclasses of Throwable class i.e only throwable objects can be thrown as exception but in C++ any types like primitives,pointers etc can be thrown as exception.
Program that will work in C++ but not in Java.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = -1;
if( a < 0 )
throw x;
catch (int x )
cout << "Exception occurred:value thrown is " << x << endl;
return 0;
Exception occurred: value thrown is -1
2)In Java to catch all kind of Exception we catch Exception object e.g catch(Exception e) but in C++ a catch all is used to catch any kind of exception.
3)In Java there are two kinds of exceptions checked and unchecked but in C++ all exceptions are unchecked.
4)A block called finally is executed after try catch block is executed mostly to do cleanup work.In C++ there is no such block.
Example to demonstrate finally block in Java.
class Demo extends Exception
class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
throw new Demo();
catch(Demo d)
System.out.println("Got the Demo Exception");
System.out.println("Inside finally block ");
Got the Demo Exception
Inside finally block
5)In Java,throws keyword is used to list expected exceptions that a function can throw. In C++, there is no throws keyword, throw keyword is used instead to list expected keyword to be thrown.
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