Content marketing may be the most effective from of marketing available for your business. Whether you run a small business with a limited marketing budget or business that is looking to grow beyond what it is today, quality content can help make that happen. Let's take a look at different types of content that you can use to market your business and why they work.
Listicles Are Designed for Sharing
A listicle is essentially an article that consists of a list of things that you should know about a certain topic. If you were running a roof repair company, you might create a listicle talking about the five signs that it's time to put on a new roof. If you were a restaurant owner, you might want to create a list of the best reasons why families should eat out more.
This type of format works because it makes it easier for a reader to find the information that he or she is looking for. These types of articles are usually written in a fun, quirky or light way, which makes them acceptable for all ages and for almost everyone who may be on social media. To spice up your next listicle, you may want to add GIFs or pictures between sections.
Video Content Humanizes the Business
People generally don't like to see their doctor or their dentist. By creating a video talking more about yourself and your interests, you come off as a person as opposed to a scary person in a mask. You can also give patients a view of the office, which allows them to get acclimated to what they will see or hear when they first enter. Posting live videos on YouTube or Facebook allows you to take questions or comments from patients or customers no matter what type of company that you have.
Although you can pretty much put any content in your videos, one type of video that might make great informative content would be an interview with a noted scholar, business leader or philanthropist can as a way to provide information on an issue that may be central to your industry. For instance, an interview with someone who believes in basic universal income may help to highlight why you created your financial services company. Even if you don't actually provide a universal basic income, it could shed light on how you view your people and their right to have access to a living wage. It may also provide insight into the role that you feel your company plays in being a good citizen within the community and throughout the world.
Case Studies Increase Credibility
If you have just started a company, your target market may have no reason to trust that your goods or services are worth buying. This may be even truer if your business is selling a product that was just invented or involves a process that people haven't widely adopted. A case study uses other companies or other experts to make your case for you. It also shows that there is merit to your sales pitch and that it should be taken seriously. Case studies may also be of interest to academics or others who like to learn, and that may make them appealing to those who share content across their social media channels.
Social Media Accounts & Blogs
In the digital age, there are so many different social media platforms that both businesses and consumers can turn to. Consumers can go to them to look for all types of information—business hours, product details, pictures, etc. On Issuu, for example, you can go there to learn about a variety of different companies, including Vasayo. Other popular social media platforms that many companies use as well are Facebook and Instagram. By utilizing such platforms, businesses can reach their consumers and even engage with them.
Having a great product or service is only a part of the equation when it comes to running a successful company. If you are not able to market your products or services to the masses in an effective manner, your odds of success decrease dramatically. Therefore, it is important to know and understand how content marketing and other marketing tactics can make your company more visible to your target consumer.
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