In OpenERP first, install the account module and then create the own module and relate it to the fields payment term in account module.
Follow these steps given below:
Step1- First create file in your own module and pass this file in your file. Then create a function and pass this function in button.
Use this code given below:
import time
from lxml import etree
import decimal_precision as dp
from tools.translate import _
import netsvc
import pooler
from osv import fields, osv, orm
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date, timedelta
import types
class add_penalty(osv.osv):
_name = 'add.penalty'
def _get_result(self,cr,uid,ids,name,args,context=None):
invoice = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
cr.execute("select sum(amount_total) from account_invoice")
invoices = cr.fetchone()
if invoices:
name = invoices[0]
for inv in self.pool.get('add.penalty').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[] = name
return res
_columns ={
'test':fields.function(_get_result,'Grand Total', store = True),
def get_result(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):
invoice = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
cr.execute("select sum(amount_total) from account_invoice")
invoices = cr.fetchone()
if invoices:
name = invoices[0]
raise orm.except_orm(_('Sum'), str(name))
return True
def test_amount(self, cr, uid, ids,context=None):
res = {}
date_diff = 0
now =
now = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
date_now = datetime.strptime(now,'%Y-%m-%d')
dt = date_now
name = 'CD Break'
comment = 'Write-Off'
cd_flag = True
tname = 'None'
qty = 1
rate = 1.00
amount = 0.0
amt = 0.0
pay_option = 'without_writeoff'
mline_state = 'valid'
move_state = 'draft'
ptype = 'dr'
v_state = 'draft'
v_type = 'sale'
seq_id = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').search(cr, uid, [('name','=','Sales Journal')])[0]
vnumber = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').next_by_id(cr, uid, seq_id)
ref = vnumber.replace('/','')
account = self.pool.get('account.account')
acc_id = 11
acc_id1 = 39
j_id = 1
invoice = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
cr.execute("select * from account_invoice where state = 'open' and payment_term > 0 and cash_credit='Credit Tax Invoice'")
invoices = invoice.browse(cr, uid, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()) )
for inv in invoices:
if (inv.penalty_date):
dt = datetime.strptime(inv.penalty_date,'%Y-%m-%d')
elif inv.date_due:
dt = datetime.strptime(inv.date_due,'%Y-%m-%d')
date_diff = date_now - dt
if inv.state == 'open' and date_diff.days >=30:
amount = inv.residual * 0.03
inv.residual += amount
inv.amount_total += amount
orig = inv.origin
if orig:
line = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
cr.execute("SELECT id FROM account_move_line WHERE ref = %s",(orig,))
lines = line.browse(cr, uid, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()) )
product = self.pool.get('product.product')
credit_flag = 'true'
serial = str(name + '-' + inv.serial_number)
for l in lines:
if l.debit > 0.00:
l.debit += amount
if > 0.00 and > 0 and credit_flag == 'true':
credit_flag = 'false' += amount
cr.execute('insert into account_invoice_line (origin,account_id,name,invoice_id,price_unit,quantity,partner_id,price_subtotal,tax_name) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', (orig,,name,,amount,qty,,amount,tname))
cr.execute('insert into account_voucher (create_date,date,type,partner_id,comment,company_id,account_id,period_id,move_id,journal_id,amount,payment_rate_currency_id,payment_rate,payment_option,state,number) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id', (,,v_type,,comment,,acc_id,,,,amount,,rate,pay_option,v_state,vnumber,))
v_id = cr.fetchone()
cr.execute('insert into account_voucher_line (create_date,voucher_id,company_id,account_id,name,amount,type) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',(,v_id,,acc_id1,name,amount,ptype))
cr.execute('insert into account_move (name,journal_id,period_id,partner_id,date,state,ref) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id' ,(vnumber,j_id,,,,move_state,ref))
move = cr.fetchone()
cr.execute('insert into account_move_line (create_date,journal_id,partner_id,credit,debit,ref,account_id,period_id,company_id,date,move_id,name,state) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',(,j_id,,amt,amount,ref,acc_id,,qty,,move,serial,mline_state))
cr.execute('insert into account_move_line (create_date,journal_id,partner_id,credit,debit,ref,account_id,period_id,company_id,date,move_id,name,state) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',(,j_id,,amount,amt,ref,acc_id1,,qty,,move,name,mline_state))
cr.execute("update account_invoice set penalty_date=%s, cd_break=%s where id=%s",(,cd_flag,,))
return True
def button_compute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None, set_total=False):
for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if set_total:
self.pool.get('add.penalty').write(cr, uid, [], {'name':})
return True
Step2- Then create add_penalty.xml file in your own module and pass this file in file.
Use this code given below:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<record id="view_invoice_penalty_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">penalty.form</field>
<field name="model">add.penalty</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Penalty" >
<field name="date"/>
<button name="test_amount" string="Penalty" icon="gtk-execute" type="object"/>
<record id="ir_cron_mail_gateway_action" model="ir.cron">
<field name="name">Auto Penalty</field>
<field name="interval_number">1</field>
<field name="interval_type">days</field>
<field name="numbercall">-1</field>
<field name="doall" eval="False"/>
<field name="model">add.penalty</field>
<field name="function">test_amount</field>
<field eval="'()'" name="args"/>
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_penalty_form">
<field name="name">Add penalty</field>
<field name="res_model">add.penalty</field>
<menuitem name="Add Penalty" id="menu_penalty" parent="account.menu_finance" action="action_penalty_form" sequence="2"/>
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