In Odoo-8 first, we create the own module and then create fields and make these fields a functional fields. Ones we create functional fields after this the functional field is replaced by computed field.
Like, first create a computed field and after creating a compute field, set its attribute compute to the name of a method and The computation method should simply set the value of the field to compute on every record in self.
Use this code in .py file show in given below:
name = fields.Char(compute='_get_data', string='Name')
value = fields.Char(string='Value')
def _get_data(self):
cursor = self._cr
user = self._uid
today =
start_date = str(today.replace(day=1).strftime('%m/%d/%Y'))
next_month = today.replace(day=28) + datetime.timedelta(days=4)
end_date = str(next_month - datetime.timedelta(
sale_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
order_ids =, user, [('date_order','>=',start_date),('date_order','<=',end_date),('partner_id','=',,('state','!=','draft')])
total = 0.0
for sale in sale_obj.browse(cursor, user, order_ids):
total += sale.amount_total
self.mtd_sales = total
@api.depends('value') means that the decorator specifies the dependency on the 'value' field.
and it is used by the ORM to trigger recomputation of the field.
_get_data is the function name.
Self refres to the same object and class of the module.
@api is the API of the odoo-8 and we can use this API any where in server.
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