How to swap or exchange objects in Java?
Wrapper Class can be used to swap or exchange objects in Java.
A Java program using wrapper classes to swap objects.
class Employee
int empno, salary;
Car(int empno, int salary) //Parameterized constructor
this.empno = empno;
this.salary = salary;
void print() //Method printing Employee details
System.out.println("Employee No. = " + empno + ", salary = " + salary);
// A Wrapper over class that is used for swapping
class EmployeeWrapper
Employee e;
EmployeeWrapper(Employee e)
this.e = e;
//A Class that use Employee and swaps objects of Employee using EmployeeWrapper
class Main
// This method swaps Employee objects in wrappers ew1 and ew2
public static void swap(EmployeeWrapper ew1, EmployeeWrapper ew2)
Employee temp = ew1.e;
ew1.e = ew2.e;
ew2.e = temp;
public static void main(String[] args)
Employee e1 = new Employee(1,1000);
Employee e2 = new Employee(2, 2000);
EmployeeWrapper ew1 = new EmployeeWrapper(e1);
EmployeeWrapper ew2 = new EmployeeWrapper(e2);
swap(cw1, cw2);
Employee No. =2,salary =1000
Employee No. =1,salary =2000
Explanation of above program:
In this a wrapper class that contains references of Employee is created. Swapping references of wrapper class swaps Employee objects.So a wrapper class solution works even if the user class doesnt have access to members of the class whose objects are to be swapped.
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