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  • How user clicks the selection's icon in the web client in OpenERP

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    In OpenERP for clicking the selection's icon in the web client, first create the users and check all rights of the users and than click the selection icon in web client and compose a default action for the model in the user's selection, and apply the domain of the user's selection and Return the action that contains all of this in the web client.

    Use this function show in given below

    def actionget(self, cr, uid, context=None):
            if context is None:
                context = {}
            res = False
            selection_id = False
            me = self.pool.get('res.users').read(
                cr, uid, uid, ['saved_selection_id'], context=context)
            if me['saved_selection_id']:
                selection_id = me['saved_selection_id'][0]
                selection =
                    cr, uid, selection_id, ['model_id', 'ids', 'name'], context)
                model = self.pool.get('ir.model').read(
                    cr, uid, selection['model_id'][0], ['model'], context
                context['active_id'] = False
                context['active_ids'] = False
                context['active_model'] = model
                res = {
                    'domain': [('id', 'in',
                                selection['ids'] and
                                [int(x) for x in selection['ids'].split(',')] or []
                    'name': (_('Saved Selection') + 
                             (selection['name'] and (' %s' % selection['name']) or '') +
                             ' (' + selection['model_id'][1] + ')'),
                    'res_model': model,
                    'views': [(False, view_type) for view_type in 
                              ('list', 'page', 'form')],
                    'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                    'target': 'current',
                    'limit': 80,
                    'auto_search': True,
                    'is_saved_selection': True,
            return res


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