When we migrate the code from odoo7 to odoo 8 or 9 then we change only few import classes and some specifics field, rest will remain same, this will helps to migrate code successfully.
In below example I have written Python script to Include only parent level class. Like below python code in .py file and this file need to .xml file also.
def addMaterialsRecursive(components, products, bom_lines):
if not bom_lines:
return components
for bom in bom_lines:
if bom.product_id.id not in products:
product_ids = map(lambda x: x.product_id.id, bom_lines)
sids = self.search(cr, uid, [
('bom_id', '=', False),
('product_id', 'in', product_ids)
for bom in self.browse(cr, uid, sids):
addMaterialsRecursive(components, products,
bom_parent = self.browse(cr, uid, bom_id, context=context)
components = []
products = []
addMaterialsRecursive(components, products, bom_parent.bom_lines)
result[bom_id] = components
return result
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