Hi Friends,
This small article can help you to create nice icon. I have some small idea in my mind to create effective icon designs, Before going to design icon, there are some guidelines and principles which you might found that are worth studying. If you want to create effective icon designs, then you should take a holistic approach to issues such as audience, size, simplicity, lighting, perspective, and style. This article gives some idea.
1.Approach Icon Design Holistically
Whether you are going to design for desktop applications, Web sites or Mobile App , an icon is one of many graphic elements that need to work together. Make sure that each icon differs from surrounding icons, while still working together as a whole.
2. Consider Your Audience.
It is very important when you are designing icon to keep audience in your mind.
3.Design for the Size the Icon will be Used At.
Icon size will matter as per the designing standard.
4. Keep Icons Simple and Iconic
Icon should be always simple and meaningful.
5.Cast Consistent Lighting, Reflections, and Shadows.
There is small effect to make your icon glossy (like lighting, Reflections, shadows and color effect).
6. Utilize a Limited Perspective
To remember utilize the perspective view .
- Create Consistent Icon Set Styles.
The icons sets you are going to design should be color consistency .
![alt text](http://findnerd.s3.amazonaws.com/imagedata/3/240x160/3.png)
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