Sometimes while developing applications, need arises that we have to get some operation performed either before or after the execution of some method.
For these purposes rails provide us with some nice hooks or we can say callbacks which can be called before or after the execution of some method.
Today we are going to see two very important callbacks namely before_save and after_destroy.
The before_save method is written inside the model class where you want to call it.
The before save method contains a method name which is called exactly before the object of the same class is saved into the database.
For example lets say we have a user model. As soon as we are about to save the user we want a method to be called before save which creates a one time password (OTP) for that user.
So we can execute this process like this
class user < ApplicationRecord
before_save :create_otp
def create_otp
@otp = (('0'..'9').to_a + ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a).shuffle.first(8).join
so the create method will be called before saving the user.
The after_destroy method is also written inside the model class where you want to call it.
The after_destroy method contains a method name which is called exactly after the object of the same class is deleted or we can say destroyed from the database.
Suppose an example where a user has many blogs. A user's blogs should be destroyed if the user is destroyed. Let's add an after_destroy callback to the User model by way of its relationship to the Blog model:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :blogs, dependent: :destroy
class Blog < ApplicationRecord
after_destroy :log_destroy_action
def log_destroy_action
puts 'Blog destroyed'
>> user = User.first
=> #<User id: 1>
>> user.blogs.create!
=> #<Blog id: 1, user_id: 1>
>> user.destroy
Blog destroyed
=> #<User id: 1>
So hope this blog was helpful to understand both these callbacks.
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