Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
An Overview of Android Activity - Video Tutorial
As far as Android platform is concerned, the funda
by amit.rai -
How to get IMEI number,serial number and software version of your phone
Hello... Sometimes we need to know the country
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
Search location by using place on google map
Here below is the code for searching places by usi
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
How to know free space in sdcard android
I have written code to know free space in sdcard
by shahbaz.ahmmod
Add Header to RecyclerView Using ViewType Property in Android
We all Known that scrollable view does not work inside another scrollable View, so to scroll some views with recyclerView for that we have to use Header property.
There are many ways to Add Header to RecyclerView but in this tutorial I will gu...
How to Implement RecyclerView Using DataBinding in Android Application
DataBinding is the process to establish a connection between UI elements and the Activity class. This will synchronize your user interface with your application model and logic. DataBinding will also minimize your code and utilize your layout fil...
An Easy Guide to Material Design Implementation for Android Developers
Material Design was introduced in Android Lollipop version and is considered as an extensive guide for motion, visual, and interaction design across various devices and platforms. One can also use the design support library to integrate component...
Android RecyclerView Items Animation Using Custom Adapter With Example
RecyclerView was introduced as an upgraded version to List view. The RecyclerView is much flexible, more efficient and more advance. With the help of RecyclerView, you can show larger data collections whose data may change at run time. RecyclerVi...
How to make use of RecyclerView to show the chats between two people in your app?
If your app wants to show the chats between you n your friend then you can make use of RecyclerView.
Here in the layout that is being inflated in RecylerView, I have used the visibility concept that the layout consists of two major layouts one...
How to inflate two layouts in a single RecyclerView?
Sometimes we need to show the list with different views so for this we can inflate two layouts in RecyclerView. To know how it is achieved follow the steps mentioned below:-
Create two layouts xml files I have named them "program...
How to create Contextual action mode over toolbar using recycler view in android?
While creating list on a recycler view we need more functionality like delete, copy and more. Like our popular apps what's app, gmail and hike we found toolbar in action mode if we long press list items on that, same UI with functionality we ...
Staggered Grid Layout with RecyclerView android
This blog is about how to create StaggeredGridLayout with Recycler view in Android.
Recyler View is advanced version of ListView/GridView.
Here we start how to Create StaggeredGridLayout with Recyler View.
1. Create Project.
Horizontal RecylerView Android
This blog is about how to create Horizontal Recycler view in Android.
Recyler View is advanced version of ListView.
Here we start how to convert Recyler View scrolling to Horizontal scroll.
1. Create Project.
2. Create Activity.
How to add Header in RecyclerView without using any external library?
In the below example code I have described how to add Header in RecyclerView without using any external library. For that, Firstly, I have created a header.xml layout and here I have added a TextView.
Now see programing In MyAdapter class I ha...
How to handle the click event in android RecyclerView
Listview has the callbacks for single click and long click, but the new concept RecyclerView haven't such things like setOnItemClickListener and setOnItemLongClickListener.
RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener is the key of working with Sing...
Adding Card View Alternatively Within RecyclerView
In the below example code I have Created a RecyclerView. In RecyclerView I have added CardView Item Alternatively like Chat app .
First Item is on left, second is on Right. In Adapter class I have used boolean type, variables(chang...
How to use CollapsingToolbar with RecyclerView
In the below example I have created a Collapsing toolbar. When you scoll your recycler items then your header image will hide. Here In actvity_main.xml I have first created CoordinatorLayout as root element, In CoordinatorLayout I have added AppB...
How to go next Activity click On CardView Item in android
In the below example I have created a RecyclerView, In RecyclerView I have added cardView item, so when you click on cardview item it will open next activity.
In below code, first I have added RecyclerView and CardView library , In second step...
How to make Expanding/Collapsing Toolbar
In the below example I have created Expanding toolbar in android. Here first I have created CoordinatorLayout in activity_main.xml layout then I have added RecyclerView, CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar with in CoordinatorLayout, In MainActivi...
How to remove CardView item in the RecyclerView list
In the below example I have created a RecyclerView, In RecyclerView I have added CardView item. When you click on FloatingActionButton a dialog box will open on screen where user will fill name, address and gender and then finally click on ok but...
How to Add Popup function in CardView
In the below example I have Created a Popup function, so when we will click on CardView it shows Popup on our screen and when we will click outside popup then automatically popup window will close.
For this First I have added I have added...
How to Add Dialog box in RecyclerView
In The below example I have created a recyclerview app, in this app I have used CardView. First I have added I have added first RecyclerView , CardView and design support library in build.gradle file .Now I have created RecyclerView a...
How to add floating action button with RecyclerView xml layout
In the below xml layout first I have created Framelayout then I have added RecyclerView and FloatingActionButton within Framelayout. You can see below program it will clearly describe you to add floating action button with RecyclerView xml layout...
How to create CollapsingToolbar function
In the below example I have created Collapsing Toolbar function. Here I have created CoordinatorLayout and created all layout in CoordinatorLayout. Now I have added AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout, ImageView, Toolbar, RecyclerView and Float...
How to create CollapsingToolbarLayout with using Recyclerview
In the below example layout I have created CollapsingToolbarLayout with using Recyclerview. Here first I have created CoordinatorLayout created all layout in CoordinatorLayout. Now I have added AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout, ImageVi...
How to add RecyclerView in dialog box
In the below layout example, I have created a dialog box with RecyclerView. Here I have added first RecyclerView dependency to Grandle file. Now in next step I have Created a Main RelativeLayout. All layout added in Main RelativeLayout then creat...
How to remove item from RecyclerView DataBase Sqlite helper class(RecyclerView)
Here I have created a method in DataBase helper(sqlite) to remove Items from RecyclerView. In the example code first i have created deleteCallDetail method and after then In Adpter class I have used ClickListener, so that when we click on cross(I...
How to save and fetch data in local device in android .
Here I have created save data item and fetch data Item from local server. In below code first I have created DatabaseSave class and craeted database like Caller name ,CallerDetails,CallNumber etc.
After defining database class I have created tab...
How to Add items Dynamically in RecyclerView?
RecyclerView is works just like listview but more well organised, felexible to customize and optimize to work and in rendering the view of large data set. So in this tutorial we will see how to add items Dynamically in RecyclerView.
Add items to RecyclerView at runtime
To add data to RecyclerView at runtime follow the steps mentioned below:-
1) Start a new project and add support library dependency <compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7'>.
2) Declare layout for your activity(MainActiv...
Creating complex Lists and Cards using Material design style.
To create complex list and cards we have to use RecyclerView and CardView.
RecyclerView is a view that shows items in scrolling list (vertical/horizontal) or in grid layout. RecyclerView have advanced features over ListView. RecyclerView prov...
How to add and remove items to RecyclerView in android ?
Here I have created a RecyclerView app in android. In this app we have added item in RecyclerView and when we click on the item in RecyclerView the item will be removed. In this recycler view I have used notifyItem Inserted() and notifyItemRemove...
How to make RecyclerView in Android studio?
Here, I have create a RecyclerView app in android .The RecyclerView is new advanced widget and flexible version of ListView.Below i have described step by step recycler view ..
Step(1)- In (build.gradle) folder Add first dependencies .
RecyclerView with Event Listener
RecyclerView is the more refine and flexible version of ListView. It is available in v7 supporting package. For using RecyclerView you need to import "android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView" package.
In order to add RecyclerView into your appl...