Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
How to insert data in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to insert data in wordpress database. Please follow the below code for the same::
global $wpdb; //define db object in Wordpress
$data['first_name'] = $_REQUEST['fname'];
$data['last_name'] = $_REQUEST['l...
Category List vs Category Blog in joomla
A Category List is used to show the articles which belongs to specific category. It is a menu items which links to a Specific page that is simply "lists" all of the articles belonging to that category. We can create a new list category menu item ...
How to assign an atricle to menu in joomla
We can easily add article menu type to menu in Joomla first Log into your Joomla administrator panel Dashboard. Go to Menus which is appearing at the top menus hover over the menu link and then click AddNewMenuItem.
Then click select which is n...
How to check login status in Wordpress
Hello Friends,
Generally in the website you can see lots pages are restricted to have access before login. If you want to add this feature in your Wordpress website. Please follow the below code in your in page.
if(is_user_logged_in()) {
Helper function in codeigniter
Helpers in codeigniter
According to the Name suggested "Helper" are the files which help us with tasks. Helpers are the collection of same category methods in a file. Each helper file is simply a collection of functions in a particular categor...
How to calcuate distance between 2 place with the help of zip code in Php
Hello Everyone, today I am here to guide you "How to calcuate distance between 2 place with the help of zip code in Php".
$point and $point are two places, you can pass these values into total_distance() function
$radius is earth radius in mi...
Theming the maintenance page and Database offline Page
Maintenance page overriding
Though Drupal provide very elegant page for the maintenance. What if you want to customize it. Yes this could be done by overwriting the page
The system includes a default maintenance template, which is loca...
Routing rule in codeigniter
In codeigniter, normally the routing is in the manner "host.com/controller/method/id" means, typically there is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string and its corresponding controller class/method.
But some time developer or client want ...
How to remove p tag and br tag in default wordpress editor
Hello readers, today I will guide you to "remove <p> tag and <br> tag in default WordPress editor in admin panel".
In WordPress editor its a default functionality to add <p> tag and <br> tag. While creating a new post, ...
What is process to convert string into an array using PHP ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss what is process to convert string into an array using PHP ?
If you want to convert a string into a array then you should use str_split() function
let us know how it is works ...
How to change site wide validation required maker, Drupal 7
The below code will help you to to change the site wide validation required marker as well the hover text. Though there are various approach you can do but this is one of the massively used approach.
Go to Drupal Root Folder->includes-&...
What is process to unzip a file uisng PHP ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss what is process to unzip a file uisng PHP ?
If you have a zip file and you want to unzip the file with php, then you should use zip_open().
This is very simple and useful f...
How to use json_decode() function in php ?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use json_decode() function in php ?
So, Firstly let us know what is the use of json_decode() function ?
So json_decode() function is basically used for converting JSO...
Check unique visitor counter in your website
Hello Everyone, today we will learn about "How to Check Unique visitor counter in your website".
There are many ways to check the user list who navigate your website, like Google Analytics Plugin in Wordpress etc.
With Google Analytics Plugi...
How to define category in contact us page
In this post we have learner how to enable contact us page
This form will always send email to the particular listed recipient email id's . But What if you have different departments in your company and each department want to use this con...
each and reset function php
Welcome to FindNerd. We are going to discuss the in-build functions reset and each. each works like a loop. It returns the current element and move the pointer forward.
reset moves the pointer to first element. Please have a look.
How to enable contact us form in Drupal 7
Enable Contact US Page
Contact Us page is a core module of Drupal 7, provided with the fresh copy of Drupal installation.
You need to enable the contact module to make it work.
Go to the module page
Search for contact ...
Get S3 bucket file list from terminal
Hello friends,
If you are using the amazon S3 bucket to store the files and want to fetch the list of stored files list from terminal with respect to added time in bucket, means if you want to get the newly added items list from amazon bucket ...
array pointer changing functions php
Welcome to FindNerd. We are going to discuss the in-build functions in php to handle the pointer of the array. You can easily get the current pointer of the array by
using current() function, next function will advance the pointer of the array ...
Jquery ajax post example with PHP
Hello Readers ,
If you want to post the form but do not want to refresh the browser then the best approach to follow by using AJAX call .
Following is the HTML and Jquery code.
<form id="foo">
<label for="bar">A...
Working example of data by PHP JSON Object
Hello Reader's If you want to know more about the PHP JSON Object then this blog will helps you. Lets see how to handle the working data of it.
$trends_url = "http://search.twitter.com/trends/daily.json";
// initialise the sessi...
Remove all special charracters and replace white spaces with hyphen "-" using PHP
Hello Readers! if you want to replace all the sepecial charracters from a string and replace white space by hyphen '-' then the code below will help you to learn:-
first we will replace all the white space with hyphen "-" from the string
How to make combinations by elements of array using PHP
Hello Reader's If you want to get all elements in the combinations then you can use PHP code to generate it.
Lets see the example as below:-
function pc_permute($items, $perms = array()) {
if (empty($items)) {
echo join(' ', $p...
Multuple deletion in Mysql using PHP
Hello Reader's If you want to handle your html form to delete multiple value at once then by using Check box in array you can do it.
lets see one example as below:-
<?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM guest_book";
How to get current unix timestamp in PHP
Hello Reader's if you want to get the current time stamp of Unix in PHP, Then PHP offers your to use this by getTimestamp().
Now let's see this in the example below:-
$date = new DateTime();
echo $date->getTimestamp();
How to find elements from the group array in PHP
Hello Reader's! if you have set of arrays and you want to get all of them seperatly then the code below will help you.
Let's say if you have
[ [a], [b], [c], [a, b], [a, c], [b, c], [a, b, c] ]
and you want this
The c...
Find day difference without weekends in php
Using php we can easily find difference in days excluding weekends. First take start date and end date and generate strtotime for these dates to convert into string. After manipulation using while loop we can easily get the count of week days exc...
Find routes between two points in google map
We can easily show the route which contain all stops including start point and end point in Google map.
So to find stops we need to create markers json string contains all the stops with their latitude and longitude including start point...
Multiple data base connections in codeigniter
We can create multiple database connections easily by providing second database information in application/config/database.php.
Normally we already set the default database group which is by default.
Like this
redirect non-www to www url string using htaccess
There must be a situation where we need to redirects all non www requests to www. We can easily redirect user from non-www to www url string using following ways. for example , if a user makes a request for http://mysite.com/param1/param2, so wit...
Load view into another view in codeigniter
We can load view into another view in codeigniter by creating a helper function and place the following code.
function loadView($view,$data = null){
$CI = get_instance();
return $CI->load->view($view,$data);
Next in ...
password encryption in joomla
Joomla password are stored in database in the form of hash and salt such as {hash}:{salt} where salt is a random string which contains 32 characters in length. Joomla password are salted before making password hashed.So we can create password i...
Drupal User Related Some Useful Links
Direct link to user login page
By default, the Login Page Form can always be found at:
Direct Link to User Registration Page
Direct link to Request Password Form
Create new helper in codeigniter
Helper in codeigniter is not a php class but it is a function which is existing in helper file. Create a file with the name of your helper in /application/helpers here name as myhelper.php and place the following code in that file.
function ...
Remove index.php from url in codeigniter
We can easily remove index.php from url in codeigniter with the help of htaccess file. We only need to place the below code in htaccess file.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
Create user friendly url using htaccess
WE can create user friendly url using url rewriting with the help of htaccess file. It helps to make URLs with duplicate content should have canonical URLs specified for them. Also beneficial for search engine optimization(SEO) for url crawlin...
die() function in PHP
die() function is error handling method in PHP which used to handle a error in web application. It's also used to check whether the function is work properly or not.
If myfile.txt file does ...
Creating dynamic CSS styling
Basic ideas behind dynamic theming
In addition to creating templates that are displayed conditionally, the Drupal also provide us to apply CSS for specific conditions on any given page.
$classes this variable aid dynamic CSS styling. Cond...
What is $this->HTML->url and $this->HTML->link in cakephp
$this->HTML->url takes two arguments one is url containing routing array and other is boolean value which is either true or false.It returns a url which points to a combination of controller and action.It boolean value is true it prepend ...
Use of OFFSET in limiting data selections from MySQL
On selecting the data from MySQL if we are required to limit the data but also it is needed to start from some offset only not from the first record, then there we can add OFFSET in the clause of the query.
Lets take an example where we requir...
How to limit data in selections from MySQL
In PHP if we are working on database and it is required to limit the data we want from the select query we can do it by appending a clause in the query. This can be helpful in pagination etc in our page.
Lets take an example in which we are re...
How to fetch request variable in Zend Framework
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to fetch the request variable in Zend Framework like As a web-page get submit lots of variable posted through GET or POST method. If you want to fetch these variable in Zend Framework, please use the below cod...
Cakephp HTMLHelper
HTMLHelper is used to make html options easier and flexible.some are the HTMLhelper examples whciha re given below.
HtmlHelper::charset($charset=null) is used to create a meta tag.
echo $this->Html->charset();
How to use page redirection in Zend Framework
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to use page redirection in zend framework. Like as you know we always need to redirect our web-page from one page to another webpage for example after successful record insertion in you always wants to redirec...
How to display all errors in php
To display all errors in php we need to add following lines of code in php file.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
We can Set display_errors = On in your php.ini file.
or we can try the following code in php file....
fopen() & fwrite() function in PHP
fopen() function is used to open files. it contain 2 parameters, first parameter specify the name of file to be open & second one specifies in which mode file should be open. This function also used to create file.
Add/Subtract number of days to specified date in PHP
This article explains how to add and subtract number of days from a specific date in PHP. In many cases we have to get date after or before a specified interval of days, months and years from current date or from any specified date.
Note : Wi...
Cookies in PHP
Cookie is a small file that identifies the users on the user's computer. whenever the same computer request to the server for the same page, the browser will send the cookie with the request.
To create Cookie we can use the setcookie() functi...
Creating a unique home page template, Drupal 7 theme
Drupal Provides you lot of option to creat a unique home page or say site front page. This could be achieved by number ways bdefined below.
Firstly Access the /sites/all/theme[active theme], copy a page.tpl.php page and paste it in same ...
How to call different layout in Zend Framework
Hello Friends,
Some time we need to set a different layout for our web-page. Mean this page will appear some thing different by the mean of different header, footer or some thing different by look and appearance. For this you need create a dif...